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[00:00:42] #commandhelper - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017
[00:00:42] ---
[00:00:45] * Topic is ':The wiki is THE source for info: | Don't use 3.3.0, use dev builds instead: | Substantial features get pinged with @testers | Pastebin: | Extension skeleton: Build CH first if you have issues!'
[00:00:45] * Set by LewsTherin! on Tue Dec 05 16:41:08
[03:22:37] * VergilPrime (~VergilPri@2601:602:ca80:43d4:91e6:da3d:cc0:3b72) has joined #commandHelper
[05:52:17] <VergilPrime> if I make a procedure inside a procedure is that bad
[05:52:59] <PseudoKnight> no
[05:53:09] <PseudoKnight> it'll only be available within the scope of that proc
[05:57:16] <VergilPrime> that's what I want
[09:23:00] <VergilPrime> pgroup() is fucky with luckperms
[09:23:20] <PseudoKnight> no, it uses group.groupname permission
[09:23:30] <VergilPrime> seems to get the groups the player is in and all groups those groups inherit from
[09:23:46] <PseudoKnight> yes, because of inheritance
[09:24:14] <VergilPrime> so negate group.groupname will solve all my problems or break everything else?
[09:25:29] <PseudoKnight> depends on what  uses that
[09:26:00] <PseudoKnight> alternatively you can use vault
[09:26:18] <PseudoKnight> since that can actually talk to the permission plugin
[09:26:24] <PseudoKnight> bukkit doesn't know about groups
[09:27:15] <VergilPrime> okay
[09:29:32] <PseudoKnight> if you're using worldguard and you expect a group to have the same access as inherited groups, then you can't negate the perm
[09:29:55] <PseudoKnight> if you're just getting a group name for display purposes, then vault is better
[09:34:25] <PseudoKnight> though, i did use pgroup() for display purposes once... i just used the highest group
[09:52:08] <VergilPrime> I'm using groups for all kinds of reasons, but right know it's my level of violence / karma system
[09:52:47] <PseudoKnight> i keep it strictly to permission groups
[09:53:16] <VergilPrime> well most perm plugins support multiple ladders for groups
[09:53:44] <VergilPrime> so I have my "ranks" ladder set up for guest/player/trusted/moderator etc
[09:53:46] <PseudoKnight> ya, but i can script other things if i need other functionality... cumbersome to use groups
[09:54:42] <VergilPrime> well my karma groups include special permissions, prefixes, suffixes and even per-world stuff
[09:55:01] <VergilPrime> so I'd say that it's probably worth it to integrate into permissions
[09:56:27] <PseudoKnight> just don't let the restrictions or features of groups influence the design of those things
[09:57:18] <VergilPrime> I just feel like it's a good fit to be honest
[11:52:42] * VergilPrime (~VergilPri@2601:602:ca80:43d4:91e6:da3d:cc0:3b72) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:50:49] * tacocat (~DaddyEric@ Quit (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
[13:30:50] #commandHelper - Sun Dec 10 13:30:50 2017
[13:30:50] ---
[13:30:50] * Topic is ':The wiki is THE source for info: | Don't use 3.3.0, use dev builds instead: | Substantial features get pinged with @testers | Pastebin: | Extension skeleton: Build CH first if you have issues!'
[13:30:50] * Set by LewsTherin! on Tue Dec 05 16:41:08
[13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +n
[13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +t
[13:33:26] #commandHelper - Sun Dec 10 13:33:26 2017
[13:33:26] ---
[13:33:26] * Topic is ':The wiki is THE source for info: | Don't use 3.3.0, use dev builds instead: | Substantial features get pinged with @testers | Pastebin: | Extension skeleton: Build CH first if you have issues!'
[13:33:26] * Set by LewsTherin! on Tue Dec 05 16:41:08
[13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +n
[13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +t