[00:00:42] [00:00:42] #spongedev - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017 [00:00:42] --- [00:00:46] * Topic is ':Docs: https://docs.spongepowered.org | GitHub: https://github.com/SpongePowered | Rules: https://docs.spongepowered.org/en/about/rules.html | Code Style: https://git.io/spongecodestyle | Gradle help in #ForgeGradle | Javadocs: https://jd.spongepowered.org | SOS XIV: July 15th @ 21:00 UTC' [00:00:46] * Set by Zidane!~Zidane@e3-1270v3.bl-ash0. on Thu Jun 29 17:51:18 [00:06:34] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> How do I do the .executeCallback from a text action? And please don't say I don't know how to use java, I'm just bein dumb today [00:09:59] <@Spongie> [SpongeHome] JBYoshi synchronize PR #135: Rework the chat page to support either IRC or Discord. <https://git.io/v5USl> [00:34:23] <@Spongie> <JBYoshi> @MelonCola `.executeCalback(commandSource -> /* your code here */) [00:34:41] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Ok, thanks! [00:34:56] <@Spongie> <JBYoshi> Add {} around your code if necessary. [00:49:21] * AforAnonymous (bitch2k@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:03:25] * ShadowFoxNixill (~nixill@2601:40e:4000:5940:45a7:2d58:ace0:5893) has joined #spongedev [01:07:13] * ShadowFoxNixill (~nixill@2601:40e:4000:5940:45a7:2d58:ace0:5893) Quit (Client Quit) [01:07:46] <@Spongie> [SpongeHome] JBYoshi synchronize PR #135: Rework the chat page to support either IRC or Discord. <https://git.io/v5USl> [01:11:01] <@Spongie> [SpongeHome] JBYoshi synchronize PR #135: Rework the chat page to support either IRC or Discord. <https://git.io/v5USl> [01:48:54] * Alaura (~Alaura@2600:8804:5901:e200:a904:3759:789f:c88a) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds) [02:52:29] * Gustavo6046 (~Gustavo60@ Quit (Quit: Rapid Eye Movement time.) [03:00:44] * Gustavo6046 (~Gustavo60@ has joined #spongedev [03:05:39] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Im so good, I just condensed about 200 lines of code into 200 lines of code ð [03:19:04] <@Spongie> <Eufranio> congrats [03:19:39] * c233_ (~c233@ has joined #spongedev [03:22:22] * c233 (~c233@ Quit (Ping timeout: 198 seconds) [03:34:02] <@Spongie> <Asherslab> 200 lines of code into 200 lines of code? i'm confused [03:45:24] * Matthew (~matt@irc.prenger.co) Quit (Quit: update time) [04:00:51] * Matthew (~matt@irc.prenger.co) has joined #spongedev [04:01:22] <@Spongie> <JBYoshi> I think that's the point ð [04:02:34] * Gustavo6046 (~Gustavo60@ Quit (Quit: Rapid Eye Movement time.) [04:04:05] <@kashike> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belmont,_Arizona [04:04:07] <@kashike> this is neat [04:08:58] <@Spongie> <Parker (Meronat)> There's also Sidewalk Lab's project in Toronto https://www.sidewalklabs.com/ [04:47:21] * Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:220f:759a:f70f:7cda:634f) Quit (Quit: Cervator) [04:52:54] * waterpicker (~waterpick@2602:306:35ba:ca40:14a9:65ad:94a4:44ef) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds) [04:58:51] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> DataContainer#getMap returns an Optional<? extends Map<?, ?>>. I can get this to work with generics only by casting it to a Map, is there another way I should be doing things? [05:06:20] * waterpicker (~waterpick@2602:306:35ba:ca40:bd17:418e:17:20af) has joined #spongedev [05:11:46] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> no [05:11:52] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> that signature has been garbage for ages [05:14:26] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> Yeah... I'm using .map(m -> (Map) m). My insides hurt... [05:14:45] <@Spongie> <killjoy> use map(Map.class::cast) [05:16:39] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> Right, that'll work. [05:19:49] * Meegoo (~Meegoo@ has joined #spongedev [06:03:35] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Do I need a new "Keys" class if I want to add another custom data manipulator [06:03:41] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Im using pie_flavors gen [06:55:54] * Brokkoli (~Brokkoli@p2E5B1B3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:58:50] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> @pie_flavor ^ Also I have read the docs and seen the key class and stuff [06:59:07] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> you do not need another keys class [06:59:21] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> But I do need another data class? [06:59:34] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> each data manipulator lives in its own class [06:59:40] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> do you need another data manipulator? [06:59:43] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Yes [07:00:08] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> just making sure you've understood the api, why do you need another manipulator [07:00:17] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> for permissions [07:00:20] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I have one for commands [07:00:22] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> one for permissions [07:00:47] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> what are these manipulators going on [07:00:52] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> signs [07:01:14] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> are they both going on the same sign? [07:01:17] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> yea [07:01:25] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> why make another manipulator then [07:01:33] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> why not just add another field to the first one [07:02:11] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Ah [07:02:12] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> ok [07:02:20] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Will I be able to use it how I was before? [07:02:24] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Or will I have to change my code [07:04:08] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> So it would be like: fields = [ { type = java.util.List name = commands full-type = List<String> } { type = java.util.List name = permissions full-type = List<String> } ] class = SignsData [07:04:14] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Or do I need a comma after the first field [07:06:07] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Oh [07:06:09] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I get it now [07:08:23] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Do I register it twice? [07:08:38] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> but with a different manipulator id and name each time? [07:11:06] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> what [07:11:18] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> no [07:11:27] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> you register it the one time [07:11:45] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> why would you register it more than once [07:13:08] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I did: .manipulatorId("commands") .dataName("commands") [07:13:13] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Im guessing thats incorrect [07:18:51] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] gabizou pushed 2 commits to bleeding <https://git.io/vbB5v> [07:18:52] <@Spongie> SpongeAPI/bleeding ca87ec58: Refactor BlockChangeFlag to be an interface, allowing for expandability in the f... (by Gabriel Harris-Rouquette) [07:18:53] <@Spongie> SpongeAPI/bleeding 3f1fe452: Merge BlockChangeFlag changes. Merges #1712. (by Gabriel Harris-Rouquette) [07:20:18] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] gabizou pushed 2 commits to bleeding <https://git.io/vbB5J> [07:20:19] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/bleeding b72f54f0: Refactor the usage of BlockChangeFlag. (by Gabriel Harris-Rouquette) [07:20:20] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/bleeding 7698effc: Merge implementation changes for BlockChangeFlag. Merges #1635. (by Gabriel Harris-Rouquette) [07:20:43] <@Spongie> [SpongeForge] gabizou pushed 1 commit to bleeding <https://git.io/vbB5U> [07:20:44] <@Spongie> SpongeForge/bleeding 7b3b686e: Bump common for BlockChangeFlag updates. (by Gabriel Harris-Rouquette) [07:21:05] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] gabizou closed PR #1635: Implementation Change for BlockChangeFlag <https://git.io/vbOvz> [07:21:06] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] gabizou synchronize PR #1635: Implementation Change for BlockChangeFlag <https://git.io/vbOvz> [07:21:12] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] gabizou synchronize PR #1712: Refactor BlockChangeFlags <https://git.io/vbOv0> [07:21:13] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] gabizou closed PR #1712: Refactor BlockChangeFlags <https://git.io/vbOv0> [07:21:22] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] gabizou deleted branch refactor/block-change-flags [07:21:29] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] gabizou deleted branch refactor/block-change-flags [07:22:00] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] phit labeled PR #1632: Refactor Common Issue Template <https://git.io/vbYiP> [07:22:02] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] phit unlabeled PR #1632: Refactor Common Issue Template <https://git.io/vbYiP> [07:38:19] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Anyone? [07:46:14] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> @pie_flavor Sorry for the mention but ^ [07:48:25] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> sorry for the lack of reply [07:48:34] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> netflix swallows notifications [07:48:48] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> is this running live yet? [07:49:29] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> @MelonCola if the plugin is running live, the id is what identifies what to call to retrieve the data [07:49:34] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> so if so, don't change the data [07:50:04] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> but if it's not running live, if you're still developing it, change the id to "signs" or whatever [07:50:05] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Im just testin it [07:50:07] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> it aint be used atm [07:50:16] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Ah, ok [07:55:01] * Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 383 seconds) [08:02:46] * jakimfett (~overnet@c-67-171-228-216.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:04:20] * jakimfett (~overnet@c-67-171-228-216.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #spongedev [08:12:37] * jakimfett (~overnet@c-67-171-228-216.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 200 seconds) [08:13:24] * jakimfett (~overnet@c-67-171-228-216.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #spongedev [08:16:47] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> SignsData data = sign.getOrCreate(SignsData.class).get(); [08:17:05] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> at net.iceblaze.Main.SignsData.registerGettersAndSetters(SignsData.java:42) ~[SignsData.class:?] at net.iceblaze.Main.SignsData.<init>(SignsData.java:27) ~[SignsData.class:?] at net.iceblaze.Main.SignsData$Builder.create(SignsData.java:188) ~[SignsData$Builder.class:?] at net.iceblaze.Main.SignsData$Builder.create(SignsData.java:1) [08:17:05] <@Spongie> ~[SignsData$Builder.class:?] at net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity.getOrCreate(TileEntity.java:692) ~[avj.class:?] at net.iceblaze.commands.APCommand.execute(APCommand.java:56) ~[APCommand.class:?] [08:17:11] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Hope this doesn't count as a large block [08:17:33] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> registerGettersAndSetters(); [08:17:37] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Thats line 27 ^ [08:17:44] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> How is that large ;/ [08:18:19] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> https://hastebin.com/ikayeziney.lisp [08:18:35] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> The error is: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null [08:18:58] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> Rough estimate of what that might look like in irc: [08:18:58] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/142425521391665153/389330138556530689/unknown.png [08:19:55] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> Well, the short answer is that something's null; likely one of the keys. [08:20:05] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Oh [08:20:06] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> rip [08:20:10] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> and alright [08:20:54] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Oh wait [08:20:56] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I did this before [08:21:07] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I think I have to change somethin in the keys class [08:21:35] * Hunterz (~hunterz@ has joined #spongedev [08:22:12] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Ye I had to add serversignssp: [08:22:51] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> iirc you had that issue earlier [08:33:45] * Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) has joined #spongedev [08:49:01] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Im getting this error [08:49:02] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> https://hastebin.com/gulivuxote.sql [08:49:13] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I thought it could be my plugin [08:49:16] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> so I took all plugins out [08:49:19] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> still is doing tha [08:49:22] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> any help? [08:50:24] <@Spongie> <Simon_Flash> Looks like you caused some of the data to become malformatted. I'm not familiar with the data api to identify the cause or offer a solution. [08:51:22] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Now that Im looking it up [08:51:33] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I think that my pc crashing caused the world to become corrupted [08:51:59] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> welp [08:52:03] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> deleting the world did nothing [08:53:19] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> Alot of people have the same problem after restarting their pc [08:53:20] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> ;/ [09:22:36] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ Quit (Ping timeout: 207 seconds) [09:28:15] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] connorhartley opened PR #1641: Implements spawn load methods in MixinDimensionType <https://git.io/vbBNY> [09:28:35] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] connorhartley edited PR #1641: Implements spawn load methods in MixinDimensionType <https://git.io/vbBNY> [09:28:46] * ST-DDT (~Thunderbi@200116b800770a008802c1d41cd72165.dip.versatel-1u1.de) has joined #spongedev [09:28:47] * Borg sets mode: +v ST-DDT [09:48:10] * Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #spongedev [09:49:47] * Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) Quit (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001)) [10:14:31] <@Spongie> [SpongeHome] Minecrell labeled PR #132: changed plugins link to ore(https://ore.spongepowered.org) <https://git.io/vQJOH> [10:32:00] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] Cybermaxke synchronize PR #1704: 1.13 - The Technical Update <https://git.io/vbe5T> [10:32:45] * nallar (~nallar@ Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds) [10:32:56] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] Cybermaxke edited PR #1704: 1.13 - The Technical Update <https://git.io/vbe5T> [10:34:08] * nallar (~nallar@cpc134854-cani4-2-0-cust141.know.cable.virginm.net) has joined #spongedev [10:37:35] <@Spongie> <Dirty Elgin> can I have the config lib deserialize the contents of a list to the underlying type? like I got a typetoken for the type Message, custom serializer etc. but when I do node.getValue() i get an ArrayList<LinkedHashMap> from this messages=[ { content="hey" } ] id like to pass a TypeToken to it and it would deserializes this to ArrayList<Message> [10:40:38] * PaleOff is now known as PaleoCrafter [10:41:37] <@Spongie> <felixoi> Which event is fired if i kill an entity with /kill? because ´DestructEntityEvent.Death´ isn't [10:44:41] * Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #spongedev [11:02:27] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ has joined #spongedev [11:03:28] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [11:09:10] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ has joined #spongedev [11:16:57] <@Spongie> [SpongeAPI] Cybermaxke edited PR #1704: 1.13 - The Technical Update <https://git.io/vbe5T> [11:52:24] * Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) Quit (Read error: -0x1: UNKNOWN ERROR CODE (0001)) [11:55:17] * POQDavid (poqdavid@tiger.nl.eu.panicbnc.net) has joined #spongedev [11:56:47] * Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #spongedev [11:58:01] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> @Dirty Elgin first off, you don't care what kind of list it is [11:58:09] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> arraylist, linkedlist, immutablelist, doesn't matter [11:58:16] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> just use List [11:58:49] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> second, then just call getList with a TypeToken<MEssage> [11:59:09] <@Spongie> <pie_flavor> @felixoi that's gotta be a bug then, report it [12:09:41] * Spottedleaf (~Spottedle@node-1w7jr9qqos9g03r3gqlnim5n5.ipv6.telus.net) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Spottedleaf_!~Spottedle@node-1w7jr9qqos9g2y163j05lnfp7.ipv6.telus.net))) [12:09:47] * Spottedleaf (~Spottedle@node-1w7jr9qqos9g2y163j05lnfp7.ipv6.telus.net) has joined #spongedev [13:35:46] [13:35:46] #spongedev - Sun Dec 10 13:35:46 2017 [13:35:46] --- [13:35:46] * Topic is ':Docs: https://docs.spongepowered.org | GitHub: https://github.com/SpongePowered | Rules: https://docs.spongepowered.org/en/about/rules.html | Code Style: https://git.io/spongecodestyle | Gradle help in #ForgeGradle | Javadocs: https://jd.spongepowered.org | SOS XIV: July 15th @ 21:00 UTC' [13:35:46] * Set by Zidane!~Zidane@e3-1270v3.bl-ash0. on Thu Jun 29 17:51:18 [13:35:46] * Borg sets mode: +v Lain [13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +C [13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +n [13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +t [13:42:29] * Noppes (~Noppes@ip56530f2e.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #spongedev [13:44:10] <@Spongie> [SpongeHome] JBYoshi synchronize PR #135: Rework the chat page to support either IRC or Discord. <https://git.io/v5USl> [14:03:26] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] JBYoshi created branch feature/fake-player [14:03:27] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] JBYoshi pushed 1 commit to feature/fake-player <https://git.io/vbRko> [14:03:28] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/feature/fake-player 5dbc47b9: Merge branch 'bleeding' into feature/fake-player (by JBYoshi) [14:04:21] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] JBYoshi pushed 127 commits to feature/more-world-impl <https://git.io/vbRk1> [14:04:22] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] JBYoshi synchronize PR #86: Implement simulated methods using a fake player, controlled by a PlayerSimulator <https://git.io/vqC1E> [14:04:23] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/feature/more-world-impl b4bf667e: Fix a bug where a CustomInventory cannot handle inventory events (by Yanbing Zhao) [14:04:24] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/feature/more-world-impl 6a2dfe0a: Fix ClassCastException during DropItemWithHotkey phase. (by bloodshot) [14:04:25] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/feature/more-world-impl 22293bca: Pass off hitvec to Sponge events. (by Chris Sanders) [14:04:26] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/feature/more-world-impl e1d0079e: Add tracked player to capturing in context. (by Chris Sanders) [14:04:27] <@Spongie> SpongeCommon/feature/more-world-impl bc80b91c: Rename CauseStack to PhaseStack, eliminating more ambiguity. Clean up some of th... (by Gabriel Harris-Rouquette) [14:04:28] <@Spongie> ...for more, visit: https://git.io/vbRk1 [14:04:31] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] JBYoshi deleted branch feature/fake-player [14:04:42] <@Spongie> [SpongeCommon] JBYoshi deleted branch fix/real-time-until-portal