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[00:00:42] #sponge - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017
[00:00:42] ---
[00:00:48] * Topic is ':Homepage & Downloads: | Forums: .forums | Docs: .docs | GitHub: .git | Twitter: .twitter | Discord: .discord | Channel Rules: .rules | SOS XIV: July 15th @ 21:00 UTC'
[00:00:48] * Set by Grinch! on Wed Jul 12 19:15:44
[00:20:31] * AlexKm ( Quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
[00:49:21] * AforAnonymous (bitch2k@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[01:03:25] * ShadowFoxNixill (~nixill@2601:40e:4000:5940:45a7:2d58:ace0:5893) has joined #sponge
[01:07:13] * ShadowFoxNixill (~nixill@2601:40e:4000:5940:45a7:2d58:ace0:5893) Quit (Client Quit)
[01:48:54] * Alaura (~Alaura@2600:8804:5901:e200:a904:3759:789f:c88a) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
[02:52:29] * Gustavo6046 ( Quit (Quit: Rapid Eye Movement time.)
[03:00:44] * Gustavo6046 ( has joined #sponge
[03:19:39] * c233_ (~c233@ has joined #sponge
[03:22:22] * c233 (~c233@ Quit (Ping timeout: 198 seconds)
[03:45:24] * Matthew ( Quit (Quit: update time)
[04:00:51] * Matthew ( has joined #sponge
[04:02:34] * Gustavo6046 ( Quit (Quit: Rapid Eye Movement time.)
[04:31:04] * Thutmose (~Patrick@2602:30a:c0ab:a810:ecda:46ab:e4ca:3c55) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:47:21] * Cervator (~Thunderbi@2601:4c1:4000:220f:759a:f70f:7cda:634f) Quit (Quit: Cervator)
[04:52:54] * waterpicker (~waterpick@2602:306:35ba:ca40:14a9:65ad:94a4:44ef) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
[04:57:06] <@Spongie> <killjoy> I decided to buy Getting Over It
[04:57:13] <@Spongie> <killjoy> I'm frustrated
[05:04:10] * sponge|86003 ( has joined #sponge
[05:04:19] * sponge|86003 ( Quit (Client Quit)
[05:06:20] * waterpicker (~waterpick@2602:306:35ba:ca40:bd17:418e:17:20af) has joined #sponge
[05:19:49] * Meegoo (~Meegoo@ has joined #sponge
[06:55:54] * Brokkoli ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[07:18:38] <@Spongie> <phit>
[07:55:01] * Larry1123 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 383 seconds)
[08:02:46] * jakimfett ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:04:20] * jakimfett ( has joined #sponge
[08:08:05] * Guest46646 ( has joined #sponge
[08:08:38] * bildramer ( Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
[08:12:37] * jakimfett ( Quit (Ping timeout: 200 seconds)
[08:13:24] * jakimfett ( has joined #sponge
[08:27:44] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> O gawd
[08:28:01] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> BSOD now I can't even login
[08:33:36] * Larry1123 ( has joined #sponge
[08:35:38] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> ok
[08:35:39] <@Spongie> <MelonCola> I got back on
[08:37:34] <@Spongie> <Kane Hart> Any known minecart plugins? Or server side anything. Increase speeds of minecarts or add some sort of automation, switching, etc? Like Minecart Mania
[08:46:01] * Guest46646 ( Quit (Quit: alway rember happy day)
[08:46:11] * bildramer ( has joined #sponge
[09:22:36] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ Quit (Ping timeout: 207 seconds)
[10:32:45] * nallar (~nallar@ Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
[10:34:08] * nallar ( has joined #sponge
[11:02:27] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ has joined #sponge
[11:03:28] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:09:10] * Lunatrius (~Lunatrius@ has joined #sponge
[11:55:17] * POQDavid ( has joined #sponge
[12:09:41] * Spottedleaf ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Spottedleaf_!
[12:09:47] * Spottedleaf ( has joined #sponge
[12:30:19] <@Spongie> <Irvin> windows can be good
[12:57:37] * dick ( has joined #sponge
[13:35:46] #sponge - Sun Dec 10 13:35:46 2017
[13:35:46] ---
[13:35:46] * Topic is ':Homepage & Downloads: | Forums: .forums | Docs: .docs | GitHub: .git | Twitter: .twitter | Discord: .discord | Channel Rules: .rules | SOS XIV: July 15th @ 21:00 UTC'
[13:35:46] * Set by Grinch! on Wed Jul 12 19:15:44
[13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +C
[13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +c
[13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +n
[13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +t
[13:35:46] * EsperBot sets mode: +v Lain
[13:38:53] <@Spongie> <mihion> Hello! Can I get som advice on this thred?
[13:39:29] <@Spongie> <mihion> I'm the last one who worte on it...
[13:41:43] <@Spongie> <mihion> i have 25 G mem on an ftb Beyond this is my start script
[13:41:44] <@Spongie> <mihion> MAXHEAP=25600 MINHEAP=25600 HISTORY=2048 CPU_COUNT=8 INVOCATION="java -Xmx${MAXHEAP}M -Xms${MINHEAP}M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC \ -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=$CPU_COUNT -XX:+AggressiveOpts \ -jar $SERVICE $OPTIONS"
[13:42:17] <@Spongie> <mihion> but if i change it to:
[13:42:18] <@Spongie> <mihion> java -Xms6G -Xmx6G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=100 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=50 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=80 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=10 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=50 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -jar server.jar
[13:42:27] <@Spongie> <mihion> it won't start
[13:42:59] <@Spongie> <phit> then you probably messed up the formatting
[13:43:08] <@Spongie> <phit> that error makes no sense otherwise
[13:57:11] * sponge|76259 ( has joined #sponge
[13:57:37] * sponge|76259 ( Quit (Client Quit)