[00:00:42] [00:00:42] #nextstep - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017 [00:00:42] --- [00:00:57] * Topic is ':General post-Microsoft discussion // Forum: http://bit.ly/1AjDGRp // Post-bukkit meeting notes: http://bit.ly/1tbQXJ7 // NOTE: Keep the mud slinging and personal attacks down. // Looking for the Sponge API? You want #sponge // Expect a lot of promotion here.' [00:00:57] * Set by luacs1998!~luacs1998@ on Tue Sep 16 13:59:38 [00:49:21] * AforAnonymous (bitch2k@ Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:55:01] * Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 383 seconds) [08:36:11] * Larry1123 (Larry1123@irc.larry1123.net) has joined #nextstep [13:37:10] [13:37:10] #nextstep - Sun Dec 10 13:37:10 2017 [13:37:10] --- [13:37:10] * Topic is ':General post-Microsoft discussion // Forum: http://bit.ly/1AjDGRp // Post-bukkit meeting notes: http://bit.ly/1tbQXJ7 // NOTE: Keep the mud slinging and personal attacks down. // Looking for the Sponge API? You want #sponge // Expect a lot of promotion here.' [13:37:10] * Set by luacs1998!~luacs1998@ on Tue Sep 16 13:59:38 [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +C [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +Q [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +c [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +n [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +r [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +s [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +t [13:37:10] * Server sets mode: +j 3:5