[00:00:42] [00:00:42] #minecrafthelp - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017 [00:00:42] --- [00:00:57] * Topic is ':The community Minecraft support channel | If Java 9 breaks your Minecraft, revert to Java 8. | Ask here, DO NOT SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE | FAQ: http://bit.ly/MCv112-FAQ | Account issue? http://is.gd/mc_acct | Rules: http://j.mp/mch-rules | Client/Server: {1.12.2;} Launcher: {2.0.934;} Pocket Edition: 1.2 | We only support non-modded current releases.' [00:00:57] * Set by tyteen4a03!~tyteen4a0@ on Fri Sep 22 12:46:30 [00:01:03] <Kjetix> hello ? [00:02:48] * supersliver1 (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [00:03:02] * supersliver1 (webchat@ Quit (Client Quit) [00:04:24] * painteh (webchat@50-27-67-7.mdlncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:04:29] * Kjetix (webchat@ti0037a400-3004.bb.online.no) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:06:29] * Kris_ (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:08:37] * Nedearb (webchat@c-76-28-51-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:09:19] <Nedearb> hey, i bought minecraft a while ago, and i dont know the emial i used. Now when i try to use my emails it tells me i need to buy it [00:09:29] * painteh (webchat@50-27-67-7.mdlncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:09:36] <Nedearb> any ideas why [00:10:07] <+mattym> Nedearb, Are you sure you've checked all the emails it could have been [00:10:51] <Nedearb> yes [00:11:05] <Nedearb> i only had two emails at the time, and i tried both [00:11:06] <+mattym> Nedearb, Do you remember what your ingame username should be? [00:11:16] <Nedearb> i will pm you [00:11:50] <Nedearb> mattym i have pm'ed you [00:12:02] <+mattym> Nedearb, Im not seeing the one you provided as being used [00:12:34] <+mattym> Nedearb, Second seems in use [00:12:47] <Nedearb> ok taht must be it [00:12:49] <+mattym> Nedearb, And unchanged, so likely not compromised [00:13:00] <Nedearb> well, thats good! [00:13:21] <+mattym> Nedearb, Best bet would be to double check any emails you may have used for it, if you still get the same result you will need to contact Mojang. [00:13:27] <+mattym> ??> Nedearb account/send-email [00:13:28] <@Absol> Nedearb: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new [00:13:30] <@Absol> Nedearb: Refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back- for wait times on replies. [00:14:15] <Nedearb> so theres no way you could check the emils for me, i can think of a list that it may be [00:14:38] <+mattym> Nedearb, No, you would need to contact Mojang if you cant find it. [00:14:49] <Nedearb> tahts a shame [00:15:03] <Nedearb> i have no idea what the trans id, gift code, or email is [00:15:27] <Nedearb> so if i give them the username could the check the ip i have previously connected from and match it [00:15:50] <+mattym> Nedearb, No, you would need to include as much of the info asked for as you can. [00:16:13] <Nedearb> how do i find the transaction id [00:16:25] <+mattym> Nedearb, The form should have a link with info on that. [00:17:24] <Nedearb> and another thing, whenever i try to get a verifcation for email, none send [00:17:38] <Nedearb> does my email need to be verified before i can download, because that may be the prblemn [00:17:56] * jazzfiend (~jazzfiend@2600:1001:b01b:4032:3dd5:e98d:9980:c9d5) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:17:58] <+mattym> Nedearb, Yeah, you would need to contact them for that issue as well [00:24:00] * Nedearb (webchat@c-76-28-51-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [00:27:19] * __Sk1ttle__ (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [00:27:37] * Paint (webchat@50-27-67-7.mdlncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:29:14] * Paint (webchat@50-27-67-7.mdlncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) Quit (Client Quit) [00:29:30] <__Sk1ttle__> im updated minecraft and it keeps saying unable to run native launcher [00:29:50] <+mattym> ??> __Sk1ttle__ tools/hjt [00:29:52] <@Absol> __Sk1ttle__: Trend Micro HijackThis is a utility that is used to collect diagnostic reports of your computer to help narrow down an issue you may be having. Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download [00:29:53] <@Absol> __Sk1ttle__: Run the program, choose "I accept", then "Do a scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link. [00:30:24] <__Sk1ttle__> gtg [00:32:26] * Greg (webchat@c-76-114-252-199.hsd1.va.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:33:29] * __Sk1ttle__ (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:34:55] * izzy_ (webchat@108-250-230-206.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:35:17] <izzy_> hi [00:35:28] * izzy_ (webchat@108-250-230-206.lightspeed.irvnca.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Client Quit) [00:35:59] * Greg (webchat@c-76-114-252-199.hsd1.va.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:36:13] * Paintehh (webchat@50-27-67-7.mdlncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:40:27] * Sintron (webchat@c-68-61-74-31.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:41:16] <Sintron> Hello? [00:41:20] * ColePB (webchat@68-115-78-62.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:41:25] <ColePB> hello [00:41:29] * Paintehh (webchat@50-27-67-7.mdlncmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:41:32] <ColePB> I need help [00:41:38] <Sintron> Same... [00:42:02] <ColePB> I cant even log in everytime I press log in it says "Unable to save download. 1.8.json" [00:42:30] <Sintron> yeah I have no idea about that stuff, im here for help myself [00:42:49] <ColePB> lmao [00:43:02] <ColePB> Join a help server where no one helps 10/10 [00:43:07] <ColePB> this is stupid [00:43:31] * ColePB (webchat@68-115-78-62.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com) has left #minecrafthelp [00:43:45] * nick (webchat@173-80-144-48.stabcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:44:08] * nick (webchat@173-80-144-48.stabcmtk01.res.dyn.suddenlink.net) Quit (Client Quit) [00:46:04] * _Dewie (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [00:47:38] <_Dewie> Minecraft won't open. It says (Pixel format not accelerated) My graphics card doesnt need to be updated and ive tried everything can somebody help me [00:47:50] <+mattym> ??> _Dewie win/dxdiag [00:47:52] <@Absol> _Dewie: Follow the instructions here: http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/pixel-format-not-accelerated/support/#dxdiag [00:48:18] <_Dewie> ive already done that [00:48:37] <+mattym> _Dewie, We need the link the instructions have you create [00:49:54] <_Dewie> The game crashed whilst initializing game The game crashed whilst initializing game Error: org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated [00:49:59] * Sintron (webchat@c-68-61-74-31.hsd1.mi.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:50:13] <+mattym> _Dewie, Read the instructions you were given please [00:52:00] * dustytda (webchat@c-73-180-10-125.hsd1.or.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:52:15] <dustytda> hello? [00:52:16] <_Dewie> http://paste.ubuntu.com/26150966/ [00:53:14] <+mattym> _Dewie, Download and Install the file from this page https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/127663 [00:55:29] * dustytda (webchat@c-73-180-10-125.hsd1.or.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [00:55:55] * Erock (webchat@ool-4a5a165d.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:57:06] * _Dewie (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [00:57:38] * Erock (webchat@ool-4a5a165d.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Client Quit) [00:58:13] * Erock (webchat@ool-4a5a165d.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [00:58:38] * Erock (webchat@ool-4a5a165d.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Client Quit) [01:00:32] * yeiker (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [01:01:44] <yeiker> yeiker [01:01:56] * yeiker (webchat@ Quit (Client Quit) [01:06:12] * xStoeptegel (webchat@ip4da25918.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #minecrafthelp [01:07:21] <xStoeptegel> Hello, when i want to play minecraft it needs to download this file, i have the launcher installed and all but when i press play it's downloading Af_Za.lang but then it gives me an error [01:08:00] <xStoeptegel> and then it says unable to save download af_za.lang [01:15:29] * xStoeptegel (webchat@ip4da25918.direct-adsl.nl) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [01:18:13] * woterinmymouf (~woterinmy@2601:245:4480:5d42:e438:220b:4155:4f67) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:33:09] * Frisk (~piotrex43@2a01:113f:41e1:7800:2733:59d9:ce87:ea84) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:39:59] * Ethan (webchat@104-191-178-145.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [01:40:10] <Ethan> hi [01:40:23] <Ethan> i need help with my minecraft [01:40:28] * Ethan is now known as Guest4943 [01:40:28] <Guest4943> says /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java is not found [01:40:48] * Guest4943 (webchat@104-191-178-145.lightspeed.snantx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Client Quit) [01:48:30] * Endrit (webchat@ool-44c552be.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [01:48:32] <Endrit> Hey [01:49:23] <Endrit> I have version 1.1.0 on an android tablet and its not updating help [01:50:32] <+mattym> Endrit, What model of tablet? [01:52:05] <Endrit> Idk [01:52:34] <Endrit> Its about a year old [01:53:33] <+mattym> Endrit, Are you still logged into the Play Store on the same account you used when you bought the app. [01:53:44] <Endrit> Yes [01:53:58] <+mattym> Endrit, Does the Play Store show an update option for it. [01:54:05] <Endrit> No [01:54:38] <+mattym> Endrit, Can you try to find the model, name of the tablet [01:54:59] <Endrit> Its an rca thats all i know [01:55:06] <Endrit> 2016 [01:57:22] <+mattym> Endrit, See if the Store app shows an update if you are plugged into power and on Wi-Fi [01:57:41] <Endrit> Ok [01:58:04] <Endrit> No still [01:58:34] <+mattym> Endrit, Its possible the tablet just wont support an updated version. [01:59:19] <Endrit> My brother has the same tablet and it works for him [02:01:04] <Endrit> Is it possible to send some kind of download link or something [02:01:20] <+mattym> Endrit, Try see if you can log out of the play store, and if logging back in make the update available [02:01:40] <Endrit> Ok ill try [02:03:11] * THERetroGamerNY (~THERetroG@pool-108-55-4-217.bflony.fios.verizon.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [02:03:53] <Endrit> No doesnt work [02:05:22] <+mattym> Endrit, You may want to check the forum pages to see if anyone else has found a way to resolve this. [02:05:35] <Endrit> Ok [02:08:27] <Endrit> Nope not even a question about it [02:16:08] <Endrit> What do i do iv tried everything [02:17:42] <Endrit> Hey did i disconnect [02:17:53] <+mattym> Endrit [02:18:03] <Endrit> Yes [02:18:14] <+mattym> You may just need to wait and see if it resolves itself. [02:18:40] <Endrit> Ive waited a year HOW MUCH LONGER [02:18:46] * LayZ_Gaming (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [02:19:16] * THERetroGamerNY (~THERetroG@pool-108-55-4-217.bflony.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: Be blessed!) [02:19:16] <Endrit> Hey [02:19:21] <LayZ_Gaming> hi [02:19:55] <Endrit> Ive been transfered twice can u help [02:20:05] <LayZ_Gaming> I need help alos ;-; [02:20:35] <LayZ_Gaming> also* [02:20:39] <Endrit> ð [02:20:52] <LayZ_Gaming> xD [02:21:08] <Endrit> ð§ [02:21:45] <@Andrio> ??> LayZ_Gaming ask [02:21:47] <@Absol> LayZ_Gaming: Please don't ask to ask or just say "I need help" - just ask your question or state what you need help with, and be as specific as possible. [02:21:48] <@Absol> LayZ_Gaming: If you are unsure if the question is appropriate, just ask it and you will be informed if it is not. [02:22:10] <LayZ_Gaming> k [02:22:32] <LayZ_Gaming> Im trying to change my username but the instructions that tell me are different from what I see on the screen [02:23:15] <Endrit> I cant update my minecraft i have version 1.1.0 and i have had it for a year and it has never updated [02:23:32] <Endrit> HELP [02:24:11] <@Andrio> LayZ_Gaming, on what version of Minecraft? [02:24:44] <Endrit> 1.1.0 [02:25:04] <LayZ_Gaming> how do I tell what version i have> [02:25:05] <LayZ_Gaming> t? [02:25:09] <LayZ_Gaming> ? [02:25:27] <Endrit> Idk [02:25:45] <@Andrio> LayZ_Gaming, what type of computer are you playing it on? [02:25:59] <Endrit> Rca made last year [02:26:22] * Zires (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [02:26:44] <Endrit> Aaa hey [02:26:46] <Zires> Can someone assist me with account migration/importation? [02:27:00] <Zires> I had changed my email address, changed back, and my Minecraft account is no longer there [02:27:16] <Endrit> Ive been transfered 4 times help [02:27:45] <Zires> Or [02:27:46] <Endrit> Yo [02:27:50] <LayZ_Gaming> Im playing on [02:27:56] <Zires> How long does it take for Mojang to respond? [02:28:07] <LayZ_Gaming> windows , pc, Minecraft java edition [02:28:09] <Endrit> Idk [02:28:10] <LayZ_Gaming> all ik xD [02:28:25] * Zires (webchat@ Quit (Client Quit) [02:28:35] <@Andrio> Longer than that. [02:28:48] <@Andrio> LayZ_Gaming, see https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/928638-minecraft-usernames [02:29:32] <Endrit> Nooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAA IM GOING INSAINE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. AAAAAAAAAAAA ðAN [02:30:11] <LayZ_Gaming> ? [02:30:24] <LayZ_Gaming> see wut [02:30:25] <LayZ_Gaming> ? [02:30:26] <Endrit> Stupid minecraft [02:30:27] <LayZ_Gaming> what* [02:30:40] <LayZ_Gaming> ]Endrit check ur pm on the top [02:30:56] <Endrit> Whats pm [02:31:25] <LayZ_Gaming> Just look at the top boxes do u see my username? [02:31:36] <Endrit> Yea [02:31:44] <LayZ_Gaming> click it [02:32:05] <Endrit> Its <LayZ_Gaming> [02:32:15] <LayZ_Gaming> click it [02:32:32] <LayZ_Gaming> wait do u see my messages? [02:32:42] <Endrit> Yes [02:33:40] <Endrit> Y [02:34:06] <LayZ_Gaming> idk ._. wanna know if u play hypixel xD [02:34:25] <Endrit> Whats that [02:34:51] <LayZ_Gaming> WHAT [02:34:55] <Endrit> What [02:35:00] <LayZ_Gaming> what servers do u play on mc [02:35:17] <Endrit> U mean worlds [02:35:56] <LayZ_Gaming> DO U PLAY MULTIPLAYER? [02:36:10] <Endrit> Sometimes yea y [02:37:02] <Endrit> LAY Z Y [02:37:04] <LayZ_Gaming> wut [02:37:07] <LayZ_Gaming> ;-; [02:37:20] <Endrit> What [02:37:32] <@Andrio> LayZ_Gaming, are you sure that was the right email address? [02:37:40] <LayZ_Gaming> Yes!!!! [02:37:42] <LayZ_Gaming> but the thing is, [02:37:52] <Endrit> What [02:38:00] <LayZ_Gaming> when i go on Minecraft.net [02:38:03] <LayZ_Gaming> and login [02:38:05] <LayZ_Gaming> tit says [02:38:25] <Endrit> Wht [02:38:28] <LayZ_Gaming> It looks like you don’t own Minecraft for PC/Mac. Buy it here! [02:38:34] <LayZ_Gaming> but I do have mc! [02:38:57] <Endrit> STOP AND FUCKING HELP ME [02:38:57] <@Absol> Endrit: Please keep it civil [02:38:58] <@Andrio> ??> LayZ_Gaming account/send-email [02:39:00] <@Absol> LayZ_Gaming: Send an email to Mojang with your Transaction ID and/or gift code, Mojang account email/Minecraft.net email, and any other relevant information, through this form: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new [02:39:01] <@Absol> LayZ_Gaming: Refer to https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/articles/359446-when-will-i-hear-back- for wait times on replies. [02:39:13] <@Andrio> Endrit, did you try this? https://www.androidpit.com/google-play-not-working#p-s-cache [02:39:21] <Endrit> YES [02:39:34] <Endrit> Didnt get an email yet [02:39:57] <@Andrio> Endrit, you didn't get an email from clearing your Play Store cache? [02:40:11] <Endrit> No [02:40:14] * levijames6 (webchat@c-73-14-41-64.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [02:41:17] <Endrit> Wht [02:41:53] * Corvus (webchat@c114-76-59-154.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) has joined #minecrafthelp [02:41:53] * Espercorn sets mode: +o Corvus [02:42:08] <Endrit> Whaaaaat [02:42:46] <Endrit> ???????????-???77777 [02:42:54] <Endrit> Gucci gang [02:43:23] <Endrit> Yo [02:43:31] <LayZ_Gaming> Andrio [02:43:51] <Endrit> Whats up lay z [02:43:53] <@Andrio> Endrit, did you try this: https://www.androidpit.com/google-play-not-working#p-s-data [02:43:56] <@Andrio> ? [02:44:05] * Ziro (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [02:44:20] <Endrit> Yes [02:44:26] <LayZ_Gaming> When im about to open Minecraft and it says to the right "Launch Options" does that mean im on Java edition launcher? [02:44:27] <@Andrio> mm. [02:44:34] <@Andrio> LayZ_Gaming, yes. [02:44:50] <LayZ_Gaming> Whats the difference between Pc/ mac and Launcher? [02:45:29] * levijames6 (webchat@c-73-14-41-64.hsd1.co.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [02:46:16] <Endrit> Andrio [02:46:30] <Ziro> Andrio [02:46:54] <Endrit> ANDRIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO [02:48:15] <Endrit> Andrio is it possible to talk to the game creater [02:48:23] <Endrit> PLZ [02:49:43] * Ziro (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [02:49:56] <Endrit> Andrio [02:50:15] <Endrit> Answer me orILL SEW YOU [02:50:28] * Endrit was kicked by Lord_Ralex (Think about what you just said) [02:52:02] * Endrit (webchat@ool-44c552be.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [02:52:13] <Endrit> Hey [02:52:15] <LayZ_Gaming> xD [02:52:19] <LayZ_Gaming> chill ok? [02:52:29] <Endrit> Wht do u mean [02:53:07] <Endrit> Whats up with andrio he kicked me out [02:53:42] <Endrit> I dont know how to update my game its sooooooo old [02:53:55] <LayZ_Gaming> "Answer me or I'll sew you" dude.. calm down Andrio and other admin have other people to tend to [02:54:17] <Endrit> Sorry i didnt know [02:54:26] <Endrit> I was joking [02:55:02] <Endrit> Cheez [02:55:17] <LayZ_Gaming> https://help.mojang.com/ [02:55:27] <Endrit> Whats this [02:56:49] <LayZ_Gaming> try it and look up ur problem [02:57:05] <Endrit> Ok [02:58:53] <Endrit> Not there [02:59:54] <Endrit> Should i just leave iv been transfered through 8 people [03:00:02] <LayZ_Gaming> nah [03:00:07] <LayZ_Gaming> atleast give me ur mc username [03:00:26] <Endrit> ToweringCrowd10 [03:00:29] <Endrit> Y [03:00:39] <LayZ_Gaming> wanna inv u to realms [03:01:06] <LayZ_Gaming> if u see 'PotatoLink' inv u just accept it and join k? ima try and get him to inv u rn [03:01:22] <Endrit> Ok [03:01:27] <Endrit> For what [03:01:33] <LayZ_Gaming> idk [03:01:35] <Endrit> Relms [03:01:40] <LayZ_Gaming> ya [03:01:42] <Endrit> Ok so now [03:02:31] <Endrit> Ye now [03:03:47] <Endrit> Yo now [03:04:06] <Endrit> Do u have someone else [03:04:13] <Endrit> I can wait [03:04:35] <LayZ_Gaming> hold on [03:04:36] <LayZ_Gaming> lemme see if they're online [03:05:20] <Endrit> Ok [03:05:32] <Endrit> Hi ð [03:08:01] <LayZ_Gaming> ughh they arent [03:08:36] * DarkNoddy (~mordi@ti0020a400-1713.bb.online.no) Quit () [03:08:56] <Endrit> Aw [03:09:34] * rcmaehl (~null@2607:fcc8:bf1b:7700:f08b:144:719a:f2b8) has joined #minecrafthelp [03:09:37] <Endrit> Realyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [03:11:04] <Endrit> Can u play with me [03:11:29] * LayZ_Gaming (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [03:11:54] <Endrit> LayZ common [03:12:06] <Endrit> Man i thought we were cool [03:12:37] <Endrit> Hello [03:13:18] * Endrit (webchat@ool-44c552be.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [03:14:01] * Endrit (webchat@ool-44c552be.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [03:14:38] <Endrit> Hey [03:19:59] * Endrit (webchat@ool-44c552be.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [03:30:16] * LayZ_Gaming (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [03:33:29] * LayZ_Gaming (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [03:40:13] * Hunter (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [03:41:02] * Absol sets mode: -b *!*@2a02:c7d:662b:300:48d8:d6da:8b1b:4fd7 [03:51:40] * Hunter (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [03:52:05] * Diamond_ZOMBIE91 (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [03:52:49] * Diamond_ZOMBIE91 (webchat@ Quit (Client Quit) [04:17:53] * Drool (~drool@host81-147-71-158.range81-147.btcentralplus.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [04:59:59] * Corvus (webchat@c114-76-59-154.eburwd4.vic.optusnet.com.au) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [05:00:42] * Eddie (webchat@c-98-216-176-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [05:00:57] <Eddie> hello! [05:01:12] * Eddie is now known as Guest75471 [05:03:59] * Guest75471 (webchat@c-98-216-176-192.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [05:08:00] * Driver (webchat@c-68-83-218-8.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [05:08:31] <Driver> hey there......its impossible to figure out what my username is [05:08:38] <Driver> trying to recover my account [05:09:22] * Driver (webchat@c-68-83-218-8.hsd1.md.comcast.net) Quit (Client Quit) [05:20:10] * Zinx (webchat@107-129-241-206.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [05:36:25] * woterinmymouf (~woterinmy@c-73-111-120-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [05:39:06] * woterinmymouf (~woterinmy@c-73-111-120-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Client Quit) [05:43:25] * gr8danemom3 (webchat@d149-67-222-97.try.wideopenwest.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [05:44:18] <gr8danemom3> I need help D': [05:44:57] * gr8danemom3 (webchat@d149-67-222-97.try.wideopenwest.com) Quit (Client Quit) [05:46:14] * CubeTheThird (~cubetheth@dhcp-108-168-126-198.cable.user.start.ca) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds) [05:46:37] * rcmaehl (~null@2607:fcc8:bf1b:7700:f08b:144:719a:f2b8) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:49:29] * Zinx (webchat@107-129-241-206.lightspeed.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [05:58:14] * littleDEEJAY (webchat@cpe-174-101-114-26.columbus.res.rr.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [05:59:33] <littleDEEJAY> Hi, I need help. I want to know if I can switch the email that my Minecraft acount is linked to. [06:00:15] <+mattym> littleDEEJAY, Do you currently have access to both the Minecraft account and the email its currently on? [06:00:23] <littleDEEJAY> Yep. [06:00:50] <+mattym> littleDEEJAY, If you log in at account.mojang.com/me and go to the My Account tab and select settings. [06:00:56] <+mattym> littleDEEJAY, You should be able to change the email [06:01:43] <littleDEEJAY> Is there a way where I can switch my email without a mojang acount? [06:01:54] <+mattym> littleDEEJAY, No [06:02:16] <littleDEEJAY> Ok. Bye, thx for the help! [06:05:29] * littleDEEJAY (webchat@cpe-174-101-114-26.columbus.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [06:15:15] * schoolpizza (webchat@cpe-76-182-125-65.nc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [06:36:22] * aaaaaaaaaaaaa (webchat@cpe-76-182-125-65.nc.res.rr.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [06:36:32] * aaaaaaaaaaaaa (webchat@cpe-76-182-125-65.nc.res.rr.com) Quit (Client Quit) [06:40:29] * schoolpizza (webchat@cpe-76-182-125-65.nc.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [06:49:28] * Squeedle (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [06:49:54] * Squeedle (webchat@ Quit (Client Quit) [08:00:52] * knife (b3nk@killin.us) Quit (Quit: quit) [08:08:05] * Guest46646 (~bildramer@p200300ED83C4FC00AC9BCCA14258DFA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #minecrafthelp [08:08:39] * bildramer (~bildramer@p200300ED83C4FC00AC9BCCA14258DFA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds) [08:16:13] * Frisk (~piotrex43@2a01:113f:41e1:7800:2733:59d9:ce87:ea84) has joined #minecrafthelp [08:28:33] * Ristaa_ (webchat@178-223-112-24.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs) has joined #minecrafthelp [08:29:08] * Ristaa_ (webchat@178-223-112-24.dynamic.isp.telekom.rs) Quit (Client Quit) [08:45:16] * fazzjiend (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [08:46:01] * Guest46646 (~bildramer@p200300ED83C4FC00AC9BCCA14258DFA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Quit: alway rember happy day) [08:46:11] * bildramer (~bildramer@p200300ED83C4FC00AC9BCCA14258DFA9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #minecrafthelp [08:48:39] * jazzfiend (~jazzfiend@2600:1001:b01b:4032:3dd5:e98d:9980:c9d5) Quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds) [09:02:29] * kusanagi (~kusanagi@pool-96-224-91-156.nycmny.fios.verizon.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 200 seconds) [09:08:20] * lavainminecraft (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [09:08:25] <lavainminecraft> hello? [09:08:52] <lavainminecraft> I need help with my friend's account [09:17:37] * Absol sets mode: -b *!*@d118-75-127-226.col.wideopenwest.com [09:26:18] * issac (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [09:26:25] <issac> hello [09:26:41] <issac> is here anyone online? [09:27:12] * issac (webchat@ Quit (Client Quit) [09:39:43] * allen (webchat@114-33-175-250.HINET-IP.hinet.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [09:51:59] <allen> @My question is why I just press the play when there will be such a text, name af_za.lang URL: http://resources.download.minecraft.net/35/35cf8b4f1576db2793ca5bffb22ef34e6d2a9664 Error Details: Attempting to move successful download to C: / Users \ Allen \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft \ assets \ objects \ 35 / 35cf8b4f1576db2793ca5bffb22ef34e6d2a9664�{�ǵL�k�s���ɮסA�]���ɮץ��ѥt�@�ӵ{�ǨϥΡCFile [09:54:18] <@GreyVulpine> allen - Bytefence is known to cause issues with Minecraft. Please see: https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCL-5546 -- For instructions on how to uninstall it. [09:54:25] <allen> The last word is file [10:25:11] * jules_ (webchat@14.43-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #minecrafthelp [10:26:57] * jules_ (webchat@14.43-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has left #minecrafthelp [10:29:40] * jules_ (webchat@14.43-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) has joined #minecrafthelp [10:32:08] <jules_> hello from newbie in Brussels :-) can anyone point me to instructions to transfer a world from iPad MCPE to Macbook java edition ? [10:32:43] <@GreyVulpine> Don't believe that's possible [10:34:16] <+payonel> jules_: is it a wicked world you've made? [10:43:56] * Furious_Jumper (webchat@AMarseille-654-1-5-14.w90-37.abo.wanadoo.fr) has joined #minecrafthelp [10:50:14] * Furious_Jumper (webchat@AMarseille-654-1-5-14.w90-37.abo.wanadoo.fr) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [10:54:51] * fazzjiend (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: this TV sucks) [11:00:55] * jazzfiend (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [11:06:27] * Luc1412 (webchat@ip5b41ac98.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) has joined #minecrafthelp [11:06:30] * XxWeberPugxX (webchat@cpe-86-58-113-166.static.triera.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [11:07:53] <Luc1412> Did somebody know what this mean? I started the newest Snapshot of mc https://hastebin.com/ocedurojaz.js [11:11:57] * RustikMagma (webchat@cpc95908-rdng25-2-0-cust171.15-3.cable.virginm.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [11:13:53] <RustikMagma> It won't let me login to minecraft.net or the minecraft launcher on my laptop. On my home computer it works fine. I had previously installed MCLeaks but i completely uninstalled it. [11:15:05] <@GreyVulpine> That would be why. You didn't completely uninstall it [11:15:05] <RustikMagma> I have reinstalled the launcher multiple times as well as the .minecraft folder and the minecraft folder in program files. [11:15:31] <@GreyVulpine> MCleaks has a tendancy to leave certain modifications in order to get around the authentication thing [11:15:38] <RustikMagma> I can't find anything with the name of MCLeaks or Authenticator in my folders [11:15:46] <@GreyVulpine> That it doesn't. [11:15:52] <RustikMagma> Any way to fix it? [11:15:55] <@GreyVulpine> Yes. [11:16:22] <@GreyVulpine> What operating system are you running? [11:16:28] <RustikMagma> Windows 7 Ultimate [11:16:49] <@GreyVulpine> Are you on that computer right now? [11:16:53] <RustikMagma> Yep [11:17:18] <@GreyVulpine> Head to your start menu, in the search bar, type in: notepad and do not press enter. Instead, right-click on the notepad search result and choose Run as Administrator. Let me know when you have notepad open. [11:17:35] <RustikMagma> Done [11:17:37] <@GreyVulpine> Go up to File -> Open. In the Filename box, type in exactly: %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and press enter. [11:18:07] <@GreyVulpine> Tell me if you have any lines in there containing "mojang" [11:18:22] * issac (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [11:18:24] <issac> hello? [11:18:27] <RustikMagma> it says choose the program you ant to use to open this file [11:18:45] <issac> is here anyone online? [11:18:49] <@GreyVulpine> RustikMagma - Erm, you need to open it in the notepad I had you open [11:18:52] <@GreyVulpine> issac - Nope [11:18:59] <RustikMagma> I did [11:19:17] <issac> i was installing minecraft [11:19:20] <@GreyVulpine> RustikMagma - Alright, step by step, read back to me exactly what you did. [11:19:38] <issac> and it failed to download fastutil.7.1.0.jar [11:19:47] <@GreyVulpine> issac - Please follow the instructions on this page: http://hopper.minecraft.net/help/guides/minecraft-logs/ [11:19:47] <issac> I managed to download that file manually [11:19:52] <issac> ok sorry [11:20:23] <RustikMagma> I right clicked notepad and runned as admin, went to file>open, pasted in the file path and it said choose what program you want to use [11:20:25] * jazzfiend_ (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [11:20:46] <RustikMagma> after i closed it says nothing is in that folder [11:20:56] <@GreyVulpine> What exactly did you paste in the file path? [11:21:02] <RustikMagma> %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts [11:21:48] <RustikMagma> i can go to %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc [11:21:53] * jazzfiend (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving) [11:21:54] * jazzfiend_ (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Client Quit) [11:22:03] <RustikMagma> nothing mojang related in there [11:22:16] * jazzfiend (~jazzfiend@ool-457e08d2.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [11:22:18] <@GreyVulpine> Okay. go to file-> open [11:22:25] <@GreyVulpine> Filename -> %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\ [11:22:26] <RustikMagma> yeah [11:22:40] <@GreyVulpine> Enter. Then simply the * symbol, then press enter again [11:22:47] <@GreyVulpine> What files show up? [11:23:21] <RustikMagma> hosts, lmhosts.sam, networks, protocol, services [11:23:29] <@GreyVulpine> Open hosts [11:23:45] <RustikMagma> nothings in there [11:24:37] <@GreyVulpine> Well, that's not right [11:25:00] <@GreyVulpine> ??> RustikMagma tools/hjt [11:25:02] <@Absol> RustikMagma: Trend Micro HijackThis is a utility that is used to collect diagnostic reports of your computer to help narrow down an issue you may be having. Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hjt/files/2.0.5%20beta/HijackThis.exe/download [11:25:03] <@Absol> RustikMagma: Run the program, choose "I accept", then "Do a scan and save a log file". After a while a text file will open. Copy everything, put the log on http://paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link. [11:26:15] <RustikMagma> when i pressed it it gave an error message [11:26:35] <@GreyVulpine> What's the error? [11:26:39] <RustikMagma> for some reason your systemdenied write access to the hosts file [11:26:48] <@GreyVulpine> That's fine, continue [11:27:12] <RustikMagma> http://paste.ubuntu.com/26154642/ [11:28:39] <@GreyVulpine> Well, huh.. [11:29:20] <@GreyVulpine> start -> search bar -> "cmd" -> right click, run as admin. In the command prompt, type in: ipconfig /flushdns [11:29:31] <@GreyVulpine> with a space after ipconfig [11:30:02] <RustikMagma> it says successfully flushed the dns resolver cache [11:30:10] <@GreyVulpine> Now try minecraft. [11:30:33] <RustikMagma> IT WORKS [11:30:36] <RustikMagma> Thanks! [11:30:40] <@GreyVulpine> Yeah. [11:30:55] <RustikMagma> ok, bye! [11:30:58] * @GreyVulpine waves [11:33:59] * RustikMagma (webchat@cpc95908-rdng25-2-0-cust171.15-3.cable.virginm.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [11:45:45] * colethegameryt (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [11:45:54] <colethegameryt> So I was playing minecraft on a server one day and then all i see on screen minecraft sky then i crash. Help Me Plz [11:46:56] <colethegameryt> So I was playing minecraft one day and then i halfwayload a chunk then all i see on screen minecraft sky then i crash. Help Me Plz [11:48:59] * Luc1412 (webchat@ip5b41ac98.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [11:51:22] * colethegameryt (webchat@ Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [11:53:23] * XxWeberPugxX (webchat@cpe-86-58-113-166.static.triera.net) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [11:59:29] * jules_ (webchat@14.43-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [12:02:52] * charlie (webchat@CPE-101-183-23-221.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au) has joined #minecrafthelp [12:05:48] * charlie (webchat@CPE-101-183-23-221.lnse4.woo.bigpond.net.au) Quit (Client Quit) [12:05:49] * DarkNoddy (~mordi@ti0020a400-1713.bb.online.no) has joined #minecrafthelp [12:12:09] * DarkNoddy (~mordi@ti0020a400-1713.bb.online.no) Quit () [12:13:31] * DarkNoddy (~mordi@ti0020a400-1713.bb.online.no) has joined #minecrafthelp [12:19:54] * terminatortv (webchat@p4FE737DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #minecrafthelp [12:25:08] * terminatortv (webchat@p4FE737DF.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [12:34:29] * allen (webchat@114-33-175-250.HINET-IP.hinet.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [12:40:05] * Yas2007 (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [12:40:21] <Yas2007> hello [12:43:27] * jjs999jjs (~jjs999jjs@2a02:c7d:662b:300:b944:cd3b:e43d:ea9c) has joined #minecrafthelp [12:43:27] * Espercorn sets mode: +b *!*@2a02:c7d:662b:300:b944:cd3b:e43d:ea9c [12:43:27] * jjs999jjs was kicked by Espercorn (User is banned from this channel) [12:43:29] * Yas2007 (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [12:59:41] * Tolgahanplayz (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [12:59:47] <Tolgahanplayz> hello? [13:00:14] <Tolgahanplayz> guys i need help... [13:00:20] <Tolgahanplayz> with my minecraft account [13:00:30] <Tolgahanplayz> my brother had an mc account [13:00:36] <Tolgahanplayz> but we lost the password [13:00:55] <Tolgahanplayz> and then i tried to enter the email where he registered in [13:01:12] <Tolgahanplayz> then it said [13:01:18] <Tolgahanplayz> Password reset has been send [13:01:38] <Tolgahanplayz> but when i go to his email address nothing was send to me [13:01:50] <Tolgahanplayz> i tried to look in the spam folders and the other ones [13:01:54] <Tolgahanplayz> but i didnt see it [13:01:58] <@GreyVulpine> Tolgahanplayz - Send in a support ticket to Mojang's Customer Support using: https://help.mojang.com/customer/portal/emails/new [13:13:59] * lavainminecraft (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [13:30:50] [13:30:50] #minecrafthelp - Sun Dec 10 13:30:50 2017 [13:30:50] --- [13:30:50] * Topic is ':The community Minecraft support channel | If Java 9 breaks your Minecraft, revert to Java 8. | Ask here, DO NOT SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE | FAQ: http://bit.ly/MCv112-FAQ | Account issue? http://is.gd/mc_acct | Rules: http://j.mp/mch-rules | Client/Server: {1.12.2;} Launcher: {2.0.934;} Pocket Edition: 1.2 | We only support non-modded current releases.' [13:30:50] * Set by tyteen4a03!~tyteen4a0@ on Fri Sep 22 12:46:30 [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +C [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +n [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +t [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +z [13:33:26] [13:33:26] #minecrafthelp - Sun Dec 10 13:33:26 2017 [13:33:26] --- [13:33:26] * Topic is ':The community Minecraft support channel | If Java 9 breaks your Minecraft, revert to Java 8. | Ask here, DO NOT SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE | FAQ: http://bit.ly/MCv112-FAQ | Account issue? http://is.gd/mc_acct | Rules: http://j.mp/mch-rules | Client/Server: {1.12.2;} Launcher: {2.0.934;} Pocket Edition: 1.2 | We only support non-modded current releases.' [13:33:26] * Set by tyteen4a03!~tyteen4a0@ on Fri Sep 22 12:46:30 [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +C [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +n [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +t [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +z [13:34:00] * issac (webchat@ Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [13:41:11] * lordvader2007 (webchat@adsl-74-235-109-58.clt.bellsouth.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [13:42:14] <Epicgaming12345> can someone please help me? When i try to launch minecraft (from the launcher) the mojang sign just sits there, and never loads [13:43:43] * jozef (webchat@host109-148-60-110.range109-148.btcentralplus.com) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [13:44:25] * SnakeNorway (webchat@223.81-166-111.customer.lyse.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [13:44:32] <SnakeNorway> hello? [13:45:06] * SnakeNorway (webchat@223.81-166-111.customer.lyse.net) Quit (Client Quit) [13:47:43] * Jen92 (webchat@cpc101296-bagu16-2-0-cust477.1-3.cable.virginm.net) has joined #minecrafthelp [13:49:58] <Jen92> Trying to launch 1.7.10, get "The version manifest was corrupt." - have tried deleting .minecraft and reinstalled. Want to play an older map which requires 1.7 [13:51:02] * lordvader2007 (webchat@adsl-74-235-109-58.clt.bellsouth.net) Quit (Quit: Web client closed) [13:55:29] * Epicgaming12345 (webchat@cpe-172-101-125-30.buffalo.res.rr.com) Quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [13:58:30] * ThatOnePerson (webchat@cpe-74-133-114-168.kya.res.rr.com) has joined #minecrafthelp [13:58:53] * ThatOnePerson (webchat@cpe-74-133-114-168.kya.res.rr.com) Quit (Client Quit) [14:06:17] * TheGrim (webchat@ has joined #minecrafthelp [14:06:33] <TheGrim> hello [14:06:45] * floortje (webchat@ip5451394d.direct-adsl.nl) has joined #minecrafthelp