[00:00:42] [00:00:42] #cubeworld - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017 [00:00:42] --- [00:00:51] * Topic is ':Forum is offline, don't expect it to ever come back. Thank you everyone for coming along for the ride, it was an amazing 28 months | Welcome to #cubeworld, a Cube World discussion channel! - Cube World Forums: http://www.cubeworldforum.org/ | Rules: http://goo.gl/y8qFt - Don't spam, be polite, and please avoid excessive swearing. Forum rules apply. | Wait for at least 5 minutes after ask' [00:00:51] * Set by AgentTadpole!ATadpole@Out.After.Midnight.PanicBNC.net on Sat May 31 11:24:30 [13:35:46] [13:35:46] #cubeworld - Sun Dec 10 13:35:46 2017 [13:35:46] --- [13:35:46] * Topic is ':Forum is offline, don't expect it to ever come back. Thank you everyone for coming along for the ride, it was an amazing 28 months | Welcome to #cubeworld, a Cube World discussion channel! - Cube World Forums: http://www.cubeworldforum.org/ | Rules: http://goo.gl/y8qFt - Don't spam, be polite, and please avoid excessive swearing. Forum rules apply. | Wait for at least 5 minutes after ask' [13:35:46] * Set by AgentTadpole!ATadpole@Out.After.Midnight.PanicBNC.net on Sat May 31 11:24:30 [13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +c [13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +n [13:35:46] * Server sets mode: +t