[00:00:42] [00:00:42] #buildcraft - Sun Dec 10 00:00:42 2017 [00:00:42] --- [00:00:54] * Topic is ':BuildCraft Discussion & Development - http://mod-buildcraft.com | Latest: 7.1.22 / 7.99.6 (Compat 7.1.6 / java.lang.NullPointerException) | Please report bugs at http://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/issues | Discord: http://discord.gg/QZAtRuM' [00:00:54] * Set by asie!~asie@2a01:7e01::f03c:91ff:fee7:dae on Fri Jul 07 22:44:54 [00:01:21] * SuperCoder79 (~SuperCode@c-98-192-10-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed) [00:01:44] * SuperCoder79 (~SuperCode@c-98-192-10-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #buildcraft [00:02:41] * SuperCoder79_ (~SuperCode@c-98-192-10-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) has joined #buildcraft [00:05:39] * CovertJaguar (~you@ has joined #buildcraft [00:05:39] * MineBot sets mode: +o CovertJaguar [00:05:41] * SuperCoder79 (~SuperCode@c-98-192-10-12.hsd1.ga.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 200 seconds) [00:16:44] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> Hey guys, when I try to break a Heat Exchanger with on 1.12.2 with BC 7.99.12 it causes everyone in the area to crash with the error: Code Block pastebined https://paste.pc-logix.com/ucidiceket [00:16:55] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> Want me to dump that in a github issue? [00:18:32] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> Does anoyne know if u can configure more chunks in ftb utilites [00:21:06] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> @Zen64k claimed chunks? [00:21:17] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> no loaded chunks [00:21:23] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> there appears to be a max [00:21:26] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> can I override that [00:21:40] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> Not sure, I was just doing some googling [00:22:30] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> ok [00:22:33] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> @Zen64k this might help? https://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/ftb-utilities-chunk-loader.145148/ [00:23:12] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> I can claim some chiunks [00:23:17] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> but there apperes to be a max [00:23:29] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> Yeah, I dunno, never used ftb ð [00:24:08] <BCDiscord> <Zen64k> ok thanks though [01:18:13] * woterinmymouf (~woterinmy@2601:245:4480:5d42:e438:220b:4155:4f67) Quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:22:48] <BCDiscord> <frf> what is oil good for ? [02:29:02] <SuperCoder79_> refining [02:29:11] <SuperCoder79_> then make it into ALL the power [02:31:46] <BCDiscord> <frf> so is it pretty worthful ð ? [02:52:29] * Gustavo6046 (~Gustavo60@ Quit (Quit: Rapid Eye Movement time.) [03:00:44] * Gustavo6046 (~Gustavo60@ has joined #buildcraft [03:18:39] * Vexatos (~Vexatos@p200300556E187E6894E10C21BE08C61F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) Quit (Quit: I guess I have to go now. Bye ✔) [04:02:34] * Gustavo6046 (~Gustavo60@ Quit (Quit: Rapid Eye Movement time.) [04:33:17] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> Do heat exchangers currently work in 7.99.12? The imgur post seems to describe a multiblock construction but I only see "heat exchanger" in the recipes and it's a single block [05:00:34] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> Nevermind, I see the recipes on github ð [05:36:25] * woterinmymouf (~woterinmy@c-73-111-120-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net) has joined #buildcraft [05:39:06] * woterinmymouf (~woterinmy@c-73-111-120-165.hsd1.il.comcast.net) Quit (Client Quit) [06:47:37] <BCDiscord> <FrancisDaPugtato> I would just wait for tommorow. Its Midnight after all. [06:47:47] <BCDiscord> <FrancisDaPugtato> But I won't expect them to. [06:53:33] <BCDiscord> <Ghent> @FrancisDaPugtato wait for what? [08:16:47] * psx (psxlover@ppp-94-65-130-150.home.otenet.gr) has joined #buildcraft [08:17:19] * psxlover (psxlover@ppp-94-65-130-150.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:54:22] * Ipsis (~Ipsis@82-69-71-184.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk) has joined #buildcraft [09:29:35] * psx (psxlover@ppp-94-65-130-150.home.otenet.gr) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:33:51] * psxlover (psxlover@ppp-94-65-130-150.home.otenet.gr) has joined #buildcraft [10:10:16] <BCDiscord> <♚⸎-OKCYL-⸎♚> is this version the alpha release or the full release? [10:10:44] <BCDiscord> <LuigiHutch> For 1.11+? Alpha release [10:10:55] <BCDiscord> <♚⸎-OKCYL-⸎♚> mmh [10:10:59] <BCDiscord> <♚⸎-OKCYL-⸎♚> is it stable [10:11:15] <BCDiscord> <LuigiHutch> Kinda [10:12:04] <BCDiscord> <♚⸎-OKCYL-⸎♚> like how much percent is it stable [10:12:05] <BCDiscord> <♚⸎-OKCYL-⸎♚> lol [10:12:14] <BCDiscord> <LuigiHutch> Still has crashes and world gen issues but no world corruption etc [10:12:51] <BCDiscord> <♚⸎-OKCYL-⸎♚> ok [10:32:45] * nallar (~nallar@ Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds) [10:34:08] * nallar (~nallar@cpc134854-cani4-2-0-cust141.know.cable.virginm.net) has joined #buildcraft [10:37:15] * Vexatos (~Vexatos@p5B3C8EFD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) has joined #buildcraft [11:49:04] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> @AlexIIL for gearbot: do we want him only keeping the latest version of BC per MC version? not sure if there is a point keeping others saved/known [11:50:33] <BCDiscord> <AlexIIL> probably. Is there any way of accessing older BC versions using gearbot? [11:50:48] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> not right now but can be done [11:51:38] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> it could maybe show all releases for an MC version but kinda pointless, you almost always wana use the latest [11:52:42] <BCDiscord> <AlexIIL> yeah, not sure we really want to encourage that [11:52:54] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> alright, overriding it is then [11:57:52] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> one more thing: it also gives some text with the embed but do we wana keep that? the idea was for relaying to irc but i'm not sure how usefull that still is [13:30:50] [13:30:50] #buildcraft - Sun Dec 10 13:30:50 2017 [13:30:50] --- [13:30:50] * Topic is ':BuildCraft Discussion & Development - http://mod-buildcraft.com | Latest: 7.1.22 / 7.99.6 (Compat 7.1.6 / java.lang.NullPointerException) | Please report bugs at http://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/issues | Discord: http://discord.gg/QZAtRuM' [13:30:50] * Set by asie!~asie@2a01:7e01::f03c:91ff:fee7:dae on Fri Jul 07 22:44:54 [13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +C [13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +Q [13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +c [13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +n [13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +t [13:30:50] * Server sets mode: +z [13:30:50] * MineBot sets mode: +o Lain|log [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +C [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +Q [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +c [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +n [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +t [13:30:51] * Server sets mode: +z [13:33:26] [13:33:26] #buildcraft - Sun Dec 10 13:33:26 2017 [13:33:26] --- [13:33:26] * Topic is ':BuildCraft Discussion & Development - http://mod-buildcraft.com | Latest: 7.1.22 / 7.99.6 (Compat 7.1.6 / java.lang.NullPointerException) | Please report bugs at http://github.com/BuildCraft/BuildCraft/issues | Discord: http://discord.gg/QZAtRuM' [13:33:26] * Set by asie!~asie@2a01:7e01::f03c:91ff:fee7:dae on Fri Jul 07 22:44:54 [13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +C [13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +Q [13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +c [13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +n [13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +t [13:33:26] * Server sets mode: +z [13:33:27] * MineBot sets mode: +o Lain|log [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +C [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +Q [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +c [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +n [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +t [13:33:27] * Server sets mode: +z [14:05:23] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> cleaned up [14:06:33] <BCDiscord> <AEnterprise> @AlexIIL you arround? gearbot has a new trick for you