* | | Superperms does not support the '*' node. Instead, use the op system, or just don't be lazy and properly write a perms file.
2 | | bPermissions 2.x has been handed to rymate1234, he will handle the older version and it will be updated to the latest builds and newer features will be added.
3 | | bPermissions 3.x is soon to come out! It will be completely different.
ambush | | Bam! Ambush! Didn't see that coming did ya?
antibuild | | http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antiguest/
antiguest | | Deny building with this plugin: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/antiguest/
api | | bPermissions has an API, read all about it! http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-mods/bpermissions/pages/bpermissions-api/
ask | | I will not answer a question to ask a question. I may answer a question that is a question. If you don't give us info - we can't help you! Type .caek to see common error causes. Read them before asking a question.
basic | | To set commands to work for players, look up the documentation of the plugins which provide those commands for the appropriate permission nodes. Or just op everyone.
bpermissions | bperm, bperms | http://bpermissions.com/
bugs | | bPermissions - "I literally cannot stop spawning bugs"
bukkit | | http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-AO893_roosev_20070824192935.jpg
caek | | Common error causes: out of date craftbukkit, conflicting plugins, multiple installations of the same plugin, yaml formatting issues, not being op, using spout incorrectly, being in spawn area, using worldguard incorrectly.
cake | | ChrizC likes cake. If you wish to buy him some cake, donate money to him chrizc@chrizc.co.uk
callhome | | That Error has to do with our stats system being offline. Please go to the stats folder in the plugin directory and adjust that config.yml to say "opt-out: true"
chat | bchatmanager | bChatManager is a chat manager for bPermissions | http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bchatmanager/
chatcolour | cc, chatcolor, color, colour | Do prefix colours not work? Do you have a chat plugin? Get bChatManager and simply configure it to work. bChatManager is a chat manager for bPermissions | http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bchatmanager/
chrizc | | http://chrizc.co.uk
codename_b | | follow codename_B on twitter! https://twitter.com/#!/VladToBeHere
commands | | http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissions/pages/bpermissions-command-list/
commonsense | | Please use some common sense. Some things you must think about yourself. If you can't use it then we will kick you.
console | | Any errors will likely be shown in your server console
cookie | | Cookie likes cookies donate to cookie to buy him cookies!
devbuild | | Developement builds of both bPermissions and bChatManager are avaliable at http://build.rymate.co.uk:8080/. Use them at your own risk.
developer | dev | Do you wish to be a developer of bPermissions? Please contact one of the operators privately, it would be a pleasure to have another banana to eat.
donate | | Has bPermissions helped out your server? Is it an important part you can't run a server without? To help the developers and say thanks please donate at benbenben001@gmail.com
dontwork | | Simply saying 'it does not work' will not help us help you. Give us specific details. What do you expect to happen, and what actually happens?
error | | The error you are experiencing is likely an ID: 10T error. Please consult the bukkit team on #bukkit for help in resolving this error. Simply state: "Help - I'm having an ID: 10T error!" on the #bukkit channel
examples | example, examplefiles | Example groups.yml: http://bit.ly/wpPa1a Example users.yml: http://bit.ly/Axj1lI
facepalm | | *facepalm* http://i.imgur.com/G7qTe.jpg
fail | burden | You are a burden on your parents and should feel ashamed of yourself. Your language is atrocious and your use of punctuation is weak, at best.
faq | | Read the FAQ before asking questions!!: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissions/pages/bpermissions-faq/
forward | | If you don't know what "port forward" means then you shouldn't be running a server!
freehelp | newrule, pay | if you don't provide me with the info to help you when I ask for it, you will be subject to a $10 surcharge before you get any other help
gethelp | helpme | Help us to help you! We'd rather you gave us too much information, instead of not enough. Give us: pastebinned config files (see .pastebin), CraftBukkit information (CB etc.), other plugins that may conflict, any errors encountered, what you were doing when you encountered the problem, and how to reproduce.
github | | https://github.com/codename-B/bPermissions
google | | http://google.com/
help | | Need help with bPermissions? Ask themadman300 or rymate1234 or codename B
info | | If you don't give us info - we can't help you
jenkins | | Latest developement builds avaliable from our jenkins http://build.rymate.co.uk:8080/ | These are possibly buggy, use them at your own risk
lain | | I am a bot used for channel administration and commands that display messages so we have less keystrokes. I am hosted by KHobbits. I love madman because he is awesome.
latest | | http://ci.xdevelopers.tk:8080/job/bPermissions/ws/target/bPermissions-1337-SNAPSHOT.jar
level99 | | http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissions/pages/noob-level-99/
madman | | themadman300 is our official support guy (if he's around)
mbaxter | | mbaxter is ambivalent to PEX donate to mbaxter to allow him to continue to be ambivalent towards PEX!
money | | Money, money, money - makes the world loopy. codename_B likes his money. Donate to him so he can have moar money!
negative | | For negative permission nodes, prefix the node with the "^" symbol like this - "^node.node"
next | | Another satisfied customer. NEXT!!!
noentry | | if all they have is the default group then they don't get an entry in the file - this is a space saving measure. If you had thousands of players joining your server every day to try it out and only 5-6 stayed every day, you'd be like "why can't it not create entries for players who don't stay" a player who doesn't have an entry has the default group. This is working as intended
noobs | noob | If you can't even run a server, don't ask for help with fixing bugs with plugins
nowork | fails, nw | Simply saying 'it does not work' will not help us help you. Give us specific details. What do you expect to happen, and what actually happens?
nub | | u r nub
op | | op gives all permissions that are not permissiondefault.false unless they are explicitly set in which case being explicitly set takes priority
paste | | http://pastie.org
pastebin | | Pastebin is a service run at http://www.pastebin.com/ which facilitates the sharing of information without flooding IRC channels. Paste your text there, click 'Submit', and give us the URL the site takes you to, and we can see what you have pasted.
permissionsex | | Ask in #permissionsex - this channel is for bPermissions
pex | | THE '*' NODE IS PERMISSIONSEX ONLY. IT DOES NOT WORK WITH BPERMISSIONS. PermissionsEX is not bPermissions, therefore we do not provide support for it. Go to #PermissionsEX for pex support. Migrating from PEX? Use /permissions import pex! Want to use PEX with bChatManager? It should Just Work.
ping | | pong
read | | The answer to your question is on the front page. Did you read the FAQ or anything before coming here?
rootfiles | | Use the files in the folders for your worlds! The root files are **EXAMPLE FILES**
rymate | | Rymate1234 is the GREAT (apparently) DEVELOPER of bChatManager and bPermissions!
security | secure | We will only ask for some of your files if it is necessary to help you. Any files you give will not contain any sensitive data but only data that helps us help you. If we need a file that has sensitive data we will PM you but usually we don't need those.
setupperms | setuperms, sp | To set commands to work for players, look up the documentation of the plugins which provide those commands for the appropriate permission nodes. Or just op everyone.
smanly | | Smanly needs a new laptop. He can buy his own though
stacktrace | stupid | If you paste your whole server.log cos you're too stupid to know what a stacktrace looks like when it hits you in the face I'll look. Paste it in this channel and not on pastebin and you get permabanned.
step1 | | Step 1 of using bPermissions, make sure you actually have it installed!
stupidquestion | | Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer!
test | | Test with no other plugins and replicate the bug. IF YOU DO NOT DO THIS WE WILL NOT HELP YOU
ticket | | You're going to create a ticket? Good luck!
upload | | http://mediafire.com
vague | | Don't be vague! Give us specifics. For example, don't say "I get an error," describe the error that you get.
vanilla | | Vanilla CraftBukkit commands and permissions found here: http://wiki.bukkit.org/CraftBukkit_commands
vault | | Problems with bChatManager? Maybe you forgot vault! http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vault/
webgui | gui | http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/bpermissionswebgui
whoareyou | | I am Lain!
yml | | if you don't understand how to format a .yml configuartion file, USE THE COMMANDS
ymlwipe | | There's a couple things you can try if your groups.yml is being wiped: Turn off auto-save in your config Downgrade to http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/bpermissions/files/145-v2-11-1/ Wait for a fix
youidiot | | I can't be responsible for you configuring your own plugins correctly or not