different nicks were represented on #universalelectricity.
| Nick | Number of lines | When? | Number of Words | Words per line | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
DarkGuardsman | 4156 | | 26722 | 6.4 | 2 days ago | "i work hard to make my mods" |
2 |
CalBot | 1820 | | 16681 | 9.2 | today | "Henry Mao: Merged core loader and core into one class" |
3 |
Calclavia | 2289 | | 15851 | 6.9 | today | "Vexatos: Not sure, will need to look into it" |
4 |
Archadia | 2800 | | 12154 | 4.3 | 2 days ago | "But somethings up with the cooling mechanism" |
5 |
pixlepix | 1622 | | 8435 | 5.2 | today | "Ask most modpack makers or server owners" |
6 |
Tyrantelf | 1045 | | 8209 | 7.9 | yesterday | "really, if you get into quality" |
7 |
Vexaton | 1589 | | 7763 | 4.9 | today | "Well, that would be boring" |
8 |
mrgreaper | 620 | | 7344 | 11.8 | yesterday | "but again...that may be a lack of knowledge on my part" |
9 |
DarkCow | 810 | | 5866 | 7.2 | yesterday | "afk, going to get something to eat" |
10 |
Darkthought | 448 | | 4437 | 9.9 | 4 days ago | "Darkcow, you still around?" |
11 |
pgatt_ | 474 | | 4272 | 9.0 | 2 days ago | "Hey pixlepix what's the best use case for particle physics?" |
12 |
MrHohenheim | 878 | | 4079 | 4.6 | today | "what a shit auth system 5 times try and now works" |
13 |
SonarBeserk | 489 | | 4070 | 8.3 | today | "DarkCow: closed src by nature is mean to users" |
14 |
Sirious | 602 | | 3357 | 5.6 | 6 days ago | "cant find common inside minechem" |
15 |
InfiniteBlock | 608 | | 3055 | 5.0 | 2 days ago | "everytime u looked at them crash :P" |
16 |
Algester | 411 | | 2716 | 6.6 | 5 days ago | "im not sure how MC handles its render code" |
17 |
SonarBeserk|Away | 323 | | 2614 | 8.1 | 2 days ago | "im using one of the latest versions of 1.6.4 forge" |
18 |
ReFleXisGod | 430 | | 2593 | 6.0 | 8 days ago | "same story. Wait till at least the end of modjam" |
19 |
Alex_hawks | 371 | | 2525 | 6.8 | today | "easy fix if you can change the code..." |
20 |
hephinator | 264 | | 2024 | 7.7 | 18 days ago | "Forge will shift it after registering the item." |
21 |
SnowD | 389 | | 1891 | 4.9 | today | "the most hated acronym amongst modders" |
22 |
Rushmead | 437 | | 1826 | 4.2 | yesterday | "which sets out what size you want your quarry" |
23 |
AbrarSyed | 195 | | 1606 | 8.2 | 4 days ago | "its the understanding hats the hard part" |
24 |
JZTech101 | 263 | | 1558 | 5.9 | today | "o. Calclavia I was using the 269" |
25 |
Elusivehawk | 258 | | 1450 | 5.6 | yesterday | "I can do all kinds of crazy shit with Lua" |
26 |
OvermindDL1 | 150 | | 1411 | 9.4 | 3 days ago | "It still only outputs -400kJ" |
27 |
Qristoph_ | 256 | | 1375 | 5.4 | 13 days ago | "Is that a dog? Or a little girl? :D" |
28 |
Frostthejack | 151 | | 1353 | 9.0 | yesterday | "doesnt show in consul just in the log" |
29 |
digitalseraphim | 63 | | 1178 | 18.7 | 5 days ago | "the "window" on the side is for the charge indicator" |
30 |
bobsmith99|work_ | 126 | | 1119 | 8.9 | yesterday | "if so then that wrench works" |
Is Tivec stupid or just asking too many questions? 37.6% lines contained a question!
hunterboerner didn't know that much either. 32.3% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was tahujdt, who yelled 8.0% of the time!
Another old yeller was Sirious, who shouted 7.1% of the time!
It seems that Leah's shift-key is hanging: 6.3% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <Leah> XD
Elusivehawk just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 6.2% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
pixlepix brings happiness to the world. 19.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
MrHohenheim isn't a sad person either, smiling 18.3% of the time.
Qristoph_ seems to be sad at the moment: 3.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
Briman|off is also a sad person, crying 2.9% of the time.
Darc wrote the longest lines, averaging 76.7 letters per line.
#universalelectricity average was 36.4 letters per line. |
Rushmead wrote the shortest lines, averaging 20.5 characters per line.
Archadia was tight-lipped, too, averaging 22.4 characters. |
DarkGuardsman spoke a total of 26722 words!
DarkGuardsman's faithful follower, CalBot, didn't speak so much: 16681 words.
coloneljn wrote an average of 38.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.78 words per line.
| Nick |
Names Used |
1 |
Briman|off (15 names) |
X, Briman, Briman|off, Arceus, Lugia|prlz, Lugia|nom, Lugia|slp, Lugia|stream, Lugia|brb, Charizard, Lugia|afk, Xygarde, Lugia, Lugia|fnt, Brima |
2 |
tterrag|away (14 names) |
tterrag|phone, tterrag|notBlahAnymore, tterrag|ZZZzzz, tterrag|ZZZzzzz, tterrag|exam, tterrag|laptop, tterrag|brb, tterrag|okFineBlah, tterrag, tterrag|NODISTRACTIONSPLS, tterrag|busy, tterag|okBlah, tterrag|away, tterrag|KSP |
3 |
niel (10 names) |
niel|noms, niel|away, niel|sleeps, niel, niel|eatingpotato, niel|sleepingpotato, flatniel, niel-IG, miel, nieleon |
4 |
JZTech101 (9 names) |
SZTech101, M1neBot1, JZ, M1neBot, Minebot2, pea, ThaumicMagnets, JZTech101, Minebot12 |
5 |
_ (9 names) |
Cyborg, Bio|tf2, Bio|AFK, Bot, Biohazard, _, ^, Biohazartd, ` |
6 |
Archadia (8 names) |
Archadia, Leah, Archelf2, Archadia[1], Archadia|Civ, Wobbuffet, Archelf, Archefl |
7 |
Leah (7 names) |
Leah|Zzz, Lah, Leah|Away, Asyncronous, Leah|AFK, Leah|Busy, Leah |
8 |
MrHohenheim (6 names) |
MrHohen_away, MrHohenheim, MrHohenheim__, MrHohen|sleep, MrH|Sleep, MrHsleep |
9 |
Tivec (6 names) |
Tivec|Gone, Tivec|AtDogshow, Tivec, Tivec|BuildingPC, Tivec|Afk, Tivec|Zzz |
10 |
Bot (5 names) |
Bio|Shower, Bio|TF2, Bot, Biohazard, _ |
11 |
Eyes (5 names) |
SunDwarf, SunOfSpace, Eyes|No, Eyess, Eyes |
12 |
tahujdt (4 names) |
tahujared, tahujdt, Cricket, The_Phantom_Of_The_Opera |
13 |
Xhamolk_ (4 names) |
Xhamolk_afk, Xhamolk_, Xhamolk__, Xhamolk_brb |
14 |
seanwcom (4 names) |
seanwcom, seanwcom|zz, seanwcom|zzz, seanwcom|mobile |
15 |
Darkthought (4 names) |
Darkthought|Away, Darkthought|EditingVideo, Darkthought|AFK, Darkthought |
16 |
aidancbrady (4 names) |
aidan|bed, aidancbrady, aidan|dinner, aidancbrady_ |
17 |
DarkGuardsman (4 names) |
DarkGuardsman, DarkCow, DarkCow|WoT, DarkSnowman |
18 |
Rushmead (4 names) |
Rushmead|Eating, Rushmead, ljdp, ljdpp |
19 |
Dries|gone (4 names) |
Dries007, DriesExams, Dries|gone, Dries|Exams |
20 |
Murder (3 names) |
Murder, Murder|afk, Murder_is_Tasty |
CalBot wasn't very popular, getting kicked 6 times! For example, like this: *** CalBot was kicked by Calclavia
Tyrantelf seemed to be hated too: 2 kicks were received.
Calclavia is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 5 people!
Calclavia's faithful follower, DarkGuardsman, kicked about 3 people.
Server donated 2 ops in the channel...
Wow, no op was taken on #universalelectricity! |
Server donated 7 voices in the channel...
Calclavia was also very polite: 1 voices from him/her.
No voices were taken on #universalelectricity! |
DarkGuardsman always lets us know what he/she's doing: 79 actions! For example, like this: * DarkCow looks outside "Oh its morning"
Also, Vexaton tells us what's up with 50 actions.
CalBot talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 54 times!
Another lonely one was Archadia, who managed to hit 28 times.
pgatt_ couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 352 joins during this reporting period! |
aihema has quite a potty mouth. 0.7% words were foul language.
Rongmario also makes sailors blush, 0.6% of the time.
Total number of lines: 32947.