different nicks were represented on #worldedit.
| Nick | Number of lines | Number of Words | Words per line | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
TomyLobo2 | 1698 | 10929 | 6.4 | today | "that might not work *whistle*" |
2 |
SKBuild | 585 | 6476 | 11.1 | yesterday | "zml2008: Improve zip file recognition." |
3 |
zml2008 | 687 | 4603 | 6.7 | today | "ah, forgot to register commands for SpawnLocationsComponent" |
4 |
CIA-1 | 234 | 4031 | 17.2 | yesterday | "worldedit: zml2008 master * r76fd63d / (2 files in 2 dirs):" |
5 |
Ihmemies | 475 | 3886 | 8.2 | 3 days ago | "chistmas? what better time to do some coding." |
6 |
[z] | 407 | 2890 | 7.1 | 3 days ago | "In the same zip? Isn't that what I asked?" |
7 |
CIA-3 | 159 | 2330 | 14.7 | 27 days ago | "worldedit: Improved the expression parser's optimizer." |
8 |
sk89q | 507 | 2002 | 3.9 | 20 days ago | "whiiiich I can't help with" |
9 |
CIA-5 | 114 | 1935 | 17.0 | 5 days ago | "worldedit: Improved fast mode." |
10 |
Jormungandr | 156 | 1405 | 9.0 | 16 days ago | "next vest thing would be to simply put a note some where" |
11 |
Kaedenn | 147 | 1171 | 8.0 | 26 days ago | "Say I select a 20x20x20 block of air." |
12 |
DerFlash | 88 | 989 | 11.2 | 24 days ago | "ahh, I'll look into that coe" |
13 |
Kainzo | 133 | 980 | 7.4 | 3 days ago | "It does look like Vault afterall" |
14 |
Zw | 109 | 878 | 8.1 | 8 days ago | "Posible to ad "back" as "back on death?"" |
15 |
andrewkm | 92 | 829 | 9.0 | today | "The command ran through fine the second try around." |
16 |
demon012 | 56 | 761 | 13.6 | 10 days ago | "yep i was too lazy to write the println =)" |
17 |
Salax | 121 | 735 | 6.1 | 9 days ago | "What I meant was that I'm still using MV version 1.15." |
18 |
wizjany | 172 | 732 | 4.3 | 61 days ago | "neither is plugin.yml on that note" |
19 |
zerox4 | 103 | 725 | 7.0 | 28 days ago | "http://i.imgur.com/Lakqv.jpg" |
20 |
p10jkle | 88 | 723 | 8.2 | 61 days ago | "I don't pirate, and yeah posting" |
21 |
FalloutNV4eva | 89 | 723 | 8.1 | 66 days ago | "Also, Halloween 3: The Season of the Witch" |
22 |
Darq | 94 | 690 | 7.3 | 7 days ago | "Gonna switch it back to the if statements?" |
23 |
Leespiker__ | 112 | 687 | 6.1 | 11 days ago | "anyone know how much RAM i should allocate to my server for" |
24 |
l4dfanatic__ | 153 | 672 | 4.4 | 49 days ago | "if i right click nothing happens" |
25 |
VoidingNixx | 57 | 655 | 11.5 | 19 days ago | "... what.. no automessage for me? *sad face*" |
26 |
l4mRh4X0r | 104 | 651 | 6.3 | 2 days ago | "Yes, but I don't want to give it to you" |
27 |
tincopper2 | 114 | 630 | 5.5 | 16 days ago | "Is there another invisibility plugin?" |
28 |
atril | 38 | 593 | 15.6 | 10 days ago | "for some reason it seems to be only nether materals" |
29 |
awkisopen_ | 57 | 583 | 10.2 | 20 days ago | "is that the same as //gen?" |
30 |
ctrlaltrage | 82 | 555 | 6.8 | yesterday | "if you only select 1 blcok" |
Is ChanDaCMan stupid or just asking too many questions? 98.3% lines contained a question!
zerox4 didn't know that much either. 36.9% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Griffin, who yelled 16.3% of the time!
Another old yeller was FalloutNV4eva, who shouted 12.4% of the time!
It seems that Griffin's shift-key is hanging: 10.5% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <Griffin> DAMMIT!
aehooo just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 3.7% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
Ihmemies brings happiness to the world. 26.1% lines contained smiling faces. :)
KHobbits isn't a sad person either, smiling 23.4% of the time.
CIA-3 seems to be sad at the moment: 10.1% lines contained sad faces. :(
CIA-1 is also a sad person, crying 8.1% of the time.
CIA-1 wrote the longest lines, averaging 125.6 letters per line.
#worldedit average was 43.3 letters per line. |
ChanDaCMan wrote the shortest lines, averaging 1.4 characters per line.
Godess was tight-lipped, too, averaging 2.5 characters. |
TomyLobo2 spoke a total of 10929 words!
TomyLobo2's faithful follower, SKBuild, didn't speak so much: 6476 words.
TrololoCreeper wrote an average of 67.00 words per line.
Channel average was 7.74 words per line.
| Nick |
Names Used |
1 |
TheNoodle (26 names) |
SupremeMasterOfAllTheVerse, twitter, TheNoodle|zzz, FirefighterNoodle, TheOldOne, LaserDefenceSystem, Gremlins, she, TheNoodle|AC-B, PedoNoodle, TheSexyAustralian, Gremlin, Lola, StalkerNoodle, TheNoodle, FiremanNoodle, TheNoodle|AC-R, BawoonsEverywhere, Chuck_Norris, Spout, TheNoodle|Hiding, TheSexyShepperd, Noodle_, Everyone, TheNoodle|saw, HawkEye |
2 |
mmaton|offline (20 names) |
Guest95975, mshops, mmaton-CS, mpadpowered, logblockusers, mmaton|offline, sysadmin, {mmaton}, postfix, Guest11347, mpad, mmaton|afk, Storm_Sarge, Queen, Zimsky, Guest63502, mmaton_, Guest91307, Guest21688, mmaton |
3 |
Iaccidentally (19 names) |
Iaccidentally|TurkeyDay, Iaccidentally|away, qaccidentally, Iaccidentally|ZZZ, Iaccidentally_, Iaccidentally|Gone, draginslayer, Iaccidentally|Dead, Iaccidentally|ignoringretards, RubberDucky, Iaccidentally|Work, Iaccidentally|sleep, Iaccidentally|needsmoresleep, Iaccidentally|Coding, Iaccidentally|BRB, Iaccidentally|CodingInSleep, Iaccidentally, laccidentally, Iaccidentally|BAWS |
4 |
s1dev (14 names) |
s1dev[A], s1dev|making, s1dev_, s1dev|Skyrim, |64bitben|, |4bitben|, |2bitben|, s1dev|Away, BillyMays, s1dev, |32bitben|, s1dev|ramen, |16bitben|, Billy |
5 |
mau5ie (10 names) |
mau5ie|NOMz, mau5ie|Busy, TheGoodShepperd, mau5ie|Away, mau5inClass, mauZzz, mau5ie, mau5ie|Offline, Fukkit, mAuditore |
6 |
andrewkm (10 names) |
andrewkm|sleep, Test, keyl, andrewkm|afk, andrewkm|back2hour-work, andrewkm|away, andrewkm|mobile, andrewkm|brb, andrewkm|brb10min, andrewkm |
7 |
rakiru (9 names) |
rakiru|shop, REDDIT_IS_SHIT, crazyrakiru, rakiru|eating, rakiru, JENKINS_IS_SHIT, rakiru|tea, rakiru|afk, rakiru|offline |
8 |
jamietech (7 names) |
jamietech, jamietech|onholiday, {jamietech}, For, jamietech|onholliday, meowtech, I |
9 |
chrisward (6 names) |
Guest78497, Chris|PlayinMinecraft, Guest42090, chris, chrisward, Chris|BRB |
10 |
mauC (6 names) |
Zz-____-zZ, NyanCat, mauC|Offline, mauC, mauClass, Zz-_____-zZ |
11 |
Riking (6 names) |
riking|away, Riknog, Guest38851, Rizzzing, Riking, Riking|walkingdog |
12 |
Shnawlykins (5 names) |
Shnawlykims, Shnaway, Shnaw, Shnawlykins, Shnaw_ |
13 |
blha303 (5 names) |
blha303|zzzz, blha303|AFK, blha303|off, blha303|zzzz|AFK, blha303 |
14 |
Tarsas___ (5 names) |
Tarsas___, WindowsUiri, Tarsas|Sleep, Tarsas, Tarsas_ |
15 |
King_ (4 names) |
King_Life_, King_Life, King_, king |
Romney2012 wasn't very popular, getting kicked 2 times! For example, like this: *** Romney2012 was kicked by zml2008
p10jkle seemed to be hated too: 1 kicks were received.
zml2008 is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 3 people!
zml2008's faithful follower, ChanServ, kicked about 1 people.
Server donated 95 ops in the channel...
Wow, no op was taken on #worldedit! |
Server donated 20 voices in the channel...
No voices were taken on #worldedit! |
waxdt always lets us know what he/she's doing: 5 actions! For example, like this: * waxdt waxdt cries
Also, Iaccidentally tells us what's up with 2 actions.
Ihmemies talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 15 times!
Another lonely one was TomyLobo2, who managed to hit 14 times.
lechd couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 206 joins during this reporting period! |
Randomage has quite a potty mouth. 1.2% words were foul language.
AsaCakes also makes sailors blush, 1.2% of the time.
Total number of lines: 22685.