different nicks were represented on #sponge-website.
| Nick | Number of lines | Number of Words | Words per line | Last seen | Random quote |
1 |
Adondriel | 967 | 6137 | 6.3 | today | "no, sponge = java... i hope that was rhetorical jake... lol" |
2 |
ConnorPeet | 346 | 3091 | 8.9 | today | "<Jamy> Those days were simpler, less entropy" |
3 |
MeltedDed | 495 | 2366 | 4.8 | today | "I can donate an ssl cert heh" |
4 |
Jake0oo0 | 293 | 2359 | 8.1 | today | "is it a resouce hog? cause laptop.." |
5 |
Evadable | 388 | 2221 | 5.7 | yesterday | "I'm going to have to go now, talk to you guys tomorrow" |
6 |
RikZZZzzz | 249 | 1941 | 7.8 | yesterday | "atlast windows9 will be free for them" |
7 |
noahp78 | 207 | 1878 | 9.1 | yesterday | "He is installing Ruby on his VPS" |
8 |
gratimax | 190 | 1852 | 9.7 | today | "Adondriel that sounds about right" |
9 |
Mausterio | 273 | 1841 | 6.7 | today | "Wonder how hard tapatalk would be to integrate." |
10 |
lukegb | 194 | 1502 | 7.7 | today | "AtlasDev: it's... unlikely..." |
11 |
RedstoneSheep | 219 | 1498 | 6.8 | today | "I hope you told them it's a bad idea" |
12 |
Firestar | 294 | 1288 | 4.4 | yesterday | "if your db is large, its performance is worse than mysql..." |
13 |
SkylordRS|zzz | 271 | 1253 | 4.6 | today | "he is legacy founder is that ok?" |
14 |
Pangea | 288 | 1188 | 4.1 | today | "must say, that theme is one of the better ones" |
15 |
zzzZZZ | 183 | 1103 | 6.0 | 2 days ago | "atlas, your website is seeing me as logged in... ad you" |
16 |
Geppie | 226 | 1019 | 4.5 | 4 days ago | "mmm, never heard of jitsi, i'll have to check it out" |
17 |
mwb1234 | 179 | 1006 | 5.6 | yesterday | "Won't even require my mt dew bill paid" |
18 |
progwml6|L | 138 | 974 | 7.1 | 2 days ago | "i am not employed by anyone in the mc community" |
19 |
theoctopus | 100 | 967 | 9.7 | 2 days ago | "Did we decide on the official logo?" |
20 |
Elite | 90 | 915 | 10.2 | 2 days ago | "isn't that still just a few usd?" |
21 |
KoolKrafter | 190 | 910 | 4.8 | 2 days ago | "Could even make a package, sponge-get?" |
22 |
Dark-Arcana|Away | 168 | 882 | 5.2 | 4 days ago | "It's only been a few days. THings are actually moving fast." |
23 |
Gaz492 | 121 | 845 | 7.0 | today | "вот же ж сучки, а" |
24 |
phroa | 144 | 772 | 5.4 | yesterday | ".tk, .cf, .ga, and .ml are free" |
25 |
MuffinPimp_ | 126 | 742 | 5.9 | yesterday | "It's already been decided on so." |
26 |
you | 155 | 712 | 4.6 | 4 days ago | "Zeluboba: а что вы тут делаете?" |
27 |
Aikar | 71 | 702 | 9.9 | yesterday | "the site is on a temporary server for now" |
28 |
MasterGberry | 108 | 688 | 6.4 | 3 days ago | "we have so much in common!" |
29 |
AtlasDev | 138 | 672 | 4.9 | today | "its for: http://www.atlasdev.nl/sponge" |
30 |
FAILbot | 55 | 663 | 12.1 | 2 days ago | "(Pangea) Did not find correct.+ in any recent messages." |
Is Elite stupid or just asking too many questions? 26.7% lines contained a question!
Net_ didn't know that much either. 24.3% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was Net_, who yelled 7.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was hansolo669, who shouted 6.0% of the time!
It seems that RikZZZzzz's shift-key is hanging: 8.8% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE. For example, like this: <RikSolo> LOADS
Kiaeyi just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 7.7% of the time.
Nobody beat anyone up. Everybody was friendly. |
Elite brings happiness to the world. 23.3% lines contained smiling faces. :)
RikSolo isn't a sad person either, smiling 18.9% of the time.
Kiaeyi seems to be sad at the moment: 5.8% lines contained sad faces. :(
RikSolo is also a sad person, crying 5.7% of the time.
FAILbot wrote the longest lines, averaging 73.4 letters per line.
#sponge-website average was 34.7 letters per line. |
Gate wrote the shortest lines, averaging 20.3 characters per line.
trevin was tight-lipped, too, averaging 20.6 characters. |
Adondriel spoke a total of 6137 words!
Adondriel's faithful follower, ConnorPeet, didn't speak so much: 3091 words.
Ugleh wrote an average of 22.00 words per line.
Channel average was 6.50 words per line.
| Nick |
Names Used |
1 |
Nijikokun (7 names) |
L, Niji|Work, Nijiko, is, Niji|dev, Niji, Nijikokun |
2 |
Erotic (7 names) |
Erotic|Dinner, Erotic|ZZzzZZzz, Erotic|ZzZz, Erotic|Class, Eroti|ZzZz, Erotic, Erotic|AFK |
3 |
zzzZZZ (6 names) |
RikFood, RikSolo_, RikSolo, zzzZZZ, RikRecording, RikAtSchool |
4 |
williamreed|HW (5 names) |
williamreed, williamreed|HW, williamreed|away, wreed, williamreed|CODING |
5 |
Dark-Arcana (5 names) |
Dark-Arcana, Dark-ArcanaAbra, Dark-Arcana|EatingOrSomething, Dark-Arcana|Away, Dark-Arcana|eating |
6 |
RikZZZzzz (5 names) |
RikSchool, RikSolo_, RikSolo, RikF00D, RikZZZzzz |
7 |
Pangea (5 names) |
SpongePowered, Pangea_afk, SpongePower, ETABot, Pangea |
8 |
wreed (5 names) |
williamreed, williamreed|HW, wreed, wreed|HW, wreed|away |
9 |
RikSolo (4 names) |
RikSolo_, RikSolo, zzzZZZ, RikZZZzzz |
10 |
theoctopus (4 names) |
theoctopus|afkforonemomentbeba, theoctopus|bebackatsomepoint, theoctopus, theoctopus|afk|mandrillordie |
11 |
AbrarSyed (4 names) |
abra, AbrarSyed, Abrar|gone, Kadabra |
12 |
Clovis|AFK (4 names) |
Guest58660, Clovis|AFK, Clovis, 0PLAAA4WY |
13 |
RikSolo_ (4 names) |
RikSolo_, a, RikSolo, RikZZZzzz |
14 |
AKP (4 names) |
15 |
Dark-Arcana|eating (4 names) |
Dark-Arcana, Dark-Arcana|Away, Dark-Arcana|eating, Dark-Arcana|Brb |
you wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times! For example, like this: *** you was kicked by AbrarSyed
Geppie seemed to be hated too: 1 kicks were received.
phroa is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 1 people!
phroa's faithful follower, AbrarSyed, kicked about 1 people.
blood donated 3 ops in the channel...
Server was also very polite: 2 ops from him/her.
Wow, no op was taken on #sponge-website! |
Server donated 6 voices in the channel...
phroa was also very polite: 3 voices from him/her.
Dark-Arcana|Away likes taking voice from people, 23 devoices.
MasterGberry always lets us know what he/she's doing: 16 actions! For example, like this: * MasterGberry turns off his dns proxy
Also, MeltedDed tells us what's up with 13 actions.
Adondriel talks to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 4 times!
Another lonely one was Evadable, who managed to hit 3 times.
MAMobile couldn't decide whether to stay or go. 35 joins during this reporting period! |
Dark-Arcana|eating has quite a potty mouth. 1.8% words were foul language.
QuackStar also makes sailors blush, 1.6% of the time.
Offical website: http://spongepowered.org/ | Website discussion for Sponge | Discussion in here is NOT representative of the Sponge team. | Talk about Sponge in #sponge | Web dev application: http://bit.ly/1ucWZf1 |
yesterday at 18:50 by lukegb |
Offical website: http://spongepowered.org/ | Website community discussion for Sponge | Discussion in here is NOT representative of the Sponge team. | No discussion of programming languages, IDEs, build systems, operating systems, or licenses please | Talk about Sponge in #sponge | Community-run (NOT Sponge team) doc: http://bit.ly/1pEMLOb |
yesterday at 18:30 by Aikar |
Offical website: http://spongepowered.com/ | Website community discussion for Sponge | Discussion in here is NOT representative of the Sponge team. | No discussion of programming languages, IDEs, build systems, operating systems, or licenses please | Talk about Sponge in #sponge | Community-run (NOT Sponge team) doc: http://bit.ly/1pEMLOb |
3 days ago at 21:48 by phroa |
The topic was set 6 times. |
Total number of lines: 11609.